DITTO ╱ Introduction.

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My Hero Academia‎ ╱ Bakugo Katsuki.


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An invisible red thread connects those
who are destined to meet, regardless of
time, place, or circumstance. The thread
may stretch and tangle, but will never

?? ╱ Ancient Chinese Proverb.

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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ DEVIL CHILDREN ARE BORNE FROM THE ASHES OF HELL. Minami Chizue, although nicknamed the ultimate Devil Child, was as sweet as summer. Her fangs were sharp, but they were not meant to sink into flesh in the way the Minami family wanted her to. She was not power hungry, unwanting to shed herself for a fate that would follow her to the ends of the earth.

So, for the first thirteen years of her life, Minami Chizue became the black sheep of the family. She bit the hand that fed her, tore through the bone, as though defying her cultivators in the same backward manner they wanted her to live would make her into the opposite of what they raised her to be. Then her father died, and Chizue realized that he had been the rotten core tainting their apple orchard, his cruel jaw used only to spit the blood he gave out to his two children. Life was so much sweeter when it was in the palms of her grandmother and mother, who lived wholly in a way that Chizue knew above all things that they loved her and her brother over anything else.

Chizue swore that she would only take after her mother, whose legacy as a hero was held by the strings of her children's starry eyes and fuel for heroism. Backing up that claim was not as easy as proclaiming it, but with three years of hard work under her belt and the sweat from her struggles painting a path towards victory, Chizue managed to get into the best hero school in Japan: U.A. High School.

Fate strung her along for the first few weeks, and Chizue was catapulted headfirst into a villain attack during a field trip, resulting in mass media exposure and the creeping sense of being watched 24/7. The roaring sport's festival, revered as the easiest way to get scouted by hero agencies approached quickly, and Chizue learns she has to manage a crumbling legacy and her own future in the balance of her teenage fingers.

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