Movie Night

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(This is after Stanley's death)

Pip couldn't shake off the feeling. Everywhere she went, she could hear the same hammering sound everywhere, footsteps, door closing, the staircase creaking, underneath her own chest. She felt suffocated, like she couldn't escape.

A Xanax was what she needed, right? Her doctor stopped giving her pills, saying she didn't need them anymore, and that the best way to help her was through therapy, talking it out. But it didn't help, she still couldn't sleep at night, her mind replaying the same image in her mind, Charlie firing six shots through Stanley's body as the bullets cracked through his ribs. That was all she could think about.

It was happening right now. The image replaying in her head. Pip's hands began to form blood- No- its just sweat. Stop thinking that. But oh god, her heart was hammering, six heartbeats, six gunshots- Stop. She breathed, she needed help. Help. Pip got up from the bed and reached for her drawer, pulling out the small bag of Xanax, her hands shaking as she struggled a bit to open the bag-

"Sarge?" Pip knew that voice. She immediately stuffed the bag back in the drawer. Turning around, Ravi was there, leaning on her door frame. He was wearing a minion t-shirt that had the word, "BANANANA" at the bottom, along with pajama pants with lots of small minions on them to match his shirt. Not only that, he also had a bowl of popcorn and chocolate chip cookies in his hand. A crooked smile appeared on his face as his eyes met hers.

"I did our special little knock code like three times." Ravi settled down on her bed. "It's alright though, your dad opened it for me, I could tell he was sleeping just before that though. Anyways, you ready for movie night?"

Of course, the movie night they planned with each other today. How could she forget? They were literally making the popcorn and cookies not too long ago together.

"Yup." Pip settled down on the bed, next to him. She scoot closer so they were both basically cuddling.

Ravi quirked an eyebrow. "Can't get enough of me?"

Pip poked his left dimple. "Shut up and pick the movie we're going to watch."

Ravi chuckled and started scrolling on the laptop, searching for a movie. "I'll have you know, I have an elite taste in movies."

Pip took a popcorn and popped it in her mouth. "Is that so?"

"Yup, hey, how about we watch despicable me? It matches with my pj's. Don't worry, you get to choose between the first, second or third one, although, the first one is the best." Ravi proudly pulled at the minion on his shirt.

Pip groaned. "Seriously? Despicable me?"

"What?" Ravi grinned. "You look like one of the minions after all." He joked.

Pip grinned back. "And you look like the purple minions." She joked back.

"Okay okay, since you don't like despicable me, you can choose the movie, but no true crime documentaries."

Pip began to scroll down the list of movies on netflix, her eyes focused on the screen as Ravi watched her lovingly.

She stopped scrolling as the mouse hovered above a movie. "You into scary movie's big boy?"

Ravi stopped looking at her and looked at the screen. "Oh I'm okay with horror movies alright, the real question is, if you can handle it." He says, playing with a strand of her hair.

"I can handle it alright." Pip looked back at the screen, then clicked Play, the intro of The Nun appearing on the screen.

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