12. bruised skin & bruised egos

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TWELVE | bruised skin & bruised egos



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L/N Y/Nin an alleyway | 1:28 pm

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in an alleyway | 1:28 pm

your brain took a few more painfully slow seconds to process the scene in front of you.

"(l/n)! for fuck sake would you say something or else i'm going to think you're fucking dead and hang up!" bakugou's rough voice tag is roaring down the phone at you is hardly processing in your ears.

"uhm," you fumble over your words, eyes wide with shock as you watch one of the boys crank back their arm before letting a harsh punch connect against midoriya's face. the sound of the knuckle hitting his cheek causes you to cringe and snap back an answer. "he's currently getting beat up by two guys and i really don't know what to do."

"fuck!" another punch rings out and you hear a disgusting crack follow which makes you wince. that definitely hurt. "don't you fucking move, i'm using my quirk to get there. stay on call with me or else i'll fucking kill you myself."

his threat is taken in by deaf ears as you spot a lone can on the sidewalk. a sudden idea pitches into your head and you grab it sneakily before backing your body up around the corner, only your head and arm peaking out. it probably isn't a smart idea to draw attention to yourself but you had to do something or else midoriya would end up a more bloodied and bruised mess by the time his friend gets here.

and you would be damned if you sat around doing nothing when there is something you can do to distract them for a moment; a split second is all you need even.

okay, you take a deep breath and focus on the back of one of the boy's head; a head of curly brown hair that cascades around his head like they can't be tamed, don't fuck this up. your eyes begin to water from not blinking but you don't remove your stare once because the slightest of distraction could cause your quirk to falter and miss your target. you aim your arm up high before slamming it forward and throwing the can a good thirty feet down the alleyway.

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