Chapter 10

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Second POV:

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Second POV:

The next day, you along with the others continued your mission of finding the Power Sphera that has not yet been found. Ochobot is scanning the entire cave to find the Power Sphera.

"The Power Sphera's signal getting weaker. Maybe it already fled from this area." Ochobot said.

Boboiboy sighed. "We missed it again."

"But... What happened here?" Yaya asked while observing around the cave.

Everyone looked around the cave. It looks like there was a fight inside this cave.

"This cave gave me the chills." Gopal shivered in horror and hid behind Boboiboy.

"I don't want to be eaten by a Desert Bear!" Gopal said.

"Ishhh, there's no such thing—huh?" Boboiboy's attention was diverted by a broken object and took it.

"Eh? What is this thing, Ochobot?" Boboiboy asked.

Ochobot started scanning the object.
"This looks like an Energy Net. And this... looks like there's been a shootout." He said.

"This is a Desert Bear with blaster!" Gopal said, still hiding behind Boboiboy.

'Desert bear with lazers? I mean it would be possible. Kinda like in Sumeru there's types of monsters there.' You thought while holding a sleepy Kabukimono in your arms.

That little creature doesn't want to leave your side and still cling onto you like his life depends on it. Whenever Boboiboy is near you, Kabukimono started hissing at him and start attacking him.

"Aiyaaa, what are you blabbering about?" Ying grumble.

"Eh? What's that sound?" Boboiboy looked around.

Suddenly all of you heard something inside the cave. All of you looked back and saw a silhouette of a creature.

"That's the DESERT BEAR!!" Gopal screamed as he started panicking.

Yaya and Ying who looked disbelief and fear appeared on their face. While you on the other hand, being curious what type of creature it is you decided to check on it.

Dendro Cores (Boboiboy x Nahida! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now