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(AN: This story revolves around one of my six OCs in the MHA fandom. They will be showing up throughout the story. None of this is Canon. Part of the main plot line and the main characters' quirk were thought up by Lolychan009. Love you, peeps. Enjoy. -Truth)

I wake up to a bright light in my eyes. I squint and look around, trying to see where I am. I think back to my latest memory. On the battlefield with Dabi and Shiggi and the gang, fighting heroes. I feel something cold and metallic chaff my neck, and the realization hits me like a sack of bricks. I've been captured. By heroes. I'm sitting in an interrogation room, and I'm surrounded by one-way glass. Most likely being watched.
I struggle, testing my bindings. No luck.
"Dammit..." I swear softly to myself, looking around the room to assess my situation. My throat is sore, and I can't find my honey bear on me, meaning I've overused my quirk, and they've confiscated my stuff. Most likely, this collar blocks my quirk, I just don't know what else it does yet.
I decide to try something, and I stare at the glass directly in front of me, my face shifting to a creepy demonic smile, seeing if there's anyone back there right now.
"Stop that." A deep, tired voice comes over the intercom, slightly alarmed. I try to keep a straight face but end up cracking up. The alarm, yet seriousness with which he speaks, making me laugh. Now, mind you, my laugh sounds like a mixture between a pterodactyl and a witch. A screaming cackle of amusement.
"I said stop that!" The alarm is evident and only makes me laugh harder. I feel tears start to prick my eyes from how hard I'm laughing. Suddenly, a strong shock courses through my body, originating from the collar around my neck.
"Shock collar..." I whisper as the electricity fades.
"That's right." The voice over the intercom says, sounding less alarmed now that he's got me under control. "How about we introduce ourselves? Hero/Villain names first? I'm pro-hero Eraserhead. Beside me is Present mic. He'll be watching you. I'm only a visitor. What's your villain name?"
"My villain name?" I scoff. "If you've caught me, you should know it." I snicker a bit and receive a warning shock. "Fine. It's Howler, Assholes."
"Thank you for complying, Howler. Would you tell us your real name now?" Eraserhead asks.
"My real name is fuck you die in a hole." I get shocked again. "FUCK YOU!" I scream at the glass and another wave of electricity runs through my body.
"Name, Howler. Now." I hear him growl.
"Sakebu," I growl right back
"Family name?"
"Good. Was that so hard?" Eraserhead asks. "What's your quirk, Ms Gomon?"
"My quirk is fuck around and find out," I smirk cockily. A stronger shock courses through me and I writhe a bit. "Cry of insanity!" I say quickly, and the electricity leaves.
"What does it do?" Eraserhead asks.
"I can unleash a loud scream that makes people go feral and acts as a steroid. The affected will attack a target of my choosing, but I have no control over who it affects and who hears it. Once you hear the scream, the effects can last up to four hours, and as little as 30 minutes. Physicological quirks will not affect the affected as they're running on instincts." I explain reluctantly.
"Any side effects? On you I mean." I hear a slightly higher voice come over the intercom, probably Present mic.
"Ms Gomon." Great. Mr sleeping bag is back. "We've made the decision to enroll you in the hero program as a form of rehabilitation."
"WHAT?!" I shriek "NO!" Good for them my quirk is blocked.
"The decision is final, Ms Gomon. We will be transporting you soon." I feel a huge shock and my vision starts to blur. The last thing I hear before slipping into unconsciousness is that deep, tired voice saying calmly: "Good night."

Quiet Voices Speak The Loudest (OC story)Where stories live. Discover now