Chapter 1

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I can't believe he actually followed through with it. I'm shooting glares at everyone I pass as I walk through the halls on the first day of school.
I look behind me. Yup. He's still there.
I haven't been able to shake Present Mic yet despite my best attempts. Does this collar have a tracker or something?
I find a large door labeled 1-A. We're here.
"Hey moron." I turn back to Present Mic. "I'm here. You don't have to follow me anymore."
"Actually, I kind of do. I'm your monitor to make sure you don't get into trouble." He responds, watching as my face shifts into frustration. I groan.
"Then at least follow quietly. You sound like a goddamn elephant when you walk."
He snickers.
"What's so funny?" I growl.
"You're in no position to be making demands, shorty." He pats my hair and I glare at him, batting his hand away. "Now then. Let's go meet your future friends." He grins at me. Stupid overly optimistic extrovert. I push open the door and immediately get blasted by a large group of kids chatting away. I walk inside and all eyes are on me. I smirk, somewhat enjoying the unsettled looks people are giving me.
"Oi!" I blonde kid calls out to me. I look at him. "You don't look like a hero!"
"Kacchan! Be nice!" A greenette scolds him nervously.
"Shaddup nerd!" The blonde shoots back.
"Well, he's right." I cock my head and smirk at them. "I'm not a hero. It wasn't my choice to be here."
"Then why're you here, emo?" The blonde growls.
"Your teacher sentenced me to villain rehab." I roll my eyes a little.
"You're a villain?" The greenette gasps and pulls out a notebook. "Tell me everything." He starts muttering.
"How about... no." I look at him, a little creeped out.
"Don't worry. Deku's harmless." I get jumpscared as a girl with light green hair and wings appears next to me. She must walk really quietly. "I went to the same middle school as him and Katsuki."
"And you are..." Too sunshiney. Too bright.
"I'm Nezuki!" (A/N: Nezuki is another one of my OCs)
I stare at her for a moment. "I don't like you. Too loud. Too bright. Blech"
"Ugh! Rude!" Nezuki says is mock offense.
"You want rude? That wasn't rude. I can give you rude." I smirk, giggling quietly at the long list of insults I have for this girl.
"Well anyway! I get the feeling you and I will be best friends!" It's like she didn't even hear me.
"Did you not hear me? I said I hate you already!" My smile drops and I look at her like she's crazy.
"You don't have to like me! I've already claimed you as my bestie forever and ever!" Ugh. Her stupid smile drives me crazy. I just wanna slap it off her face.
Someone behind her taps her shoulder and she turns to look at him.
"Oh! Hi Toma! New villain girl who's name I don't know! This is Toma! He's the younger brother of Tamaki! One of the big three!"
Toma waves at me. He's scrawny, lean. Probably very agile. He has short black hair and heterochromatic eyes. Interesting. They're kinda pretty. The right eye is green and the left eye is blue.
"What? Speechless meeting me?" I smirk at him.
He does something with his hands that I don't get and my face shifts to confusion.
"Toma's mute," Nezuki explains.
"Mute, eh? Good. I hate people that talk too much." I shoot a pointed glare at Nezuki.
"Settle down, class." Great. Sleeping bag is back. "I'm your teacher, Shota Aizawa. We have some very special guests who aren't here for the same reasons as the rest of you. This is Sakebu. No bullying the villain. With her is Present Mic. He'll be here with us too." The greenette starts mumbling again. "And with that, let class begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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