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"Studying isn't for me at all." Itadori complained beside me as we sat inside the school library with our faces stuffed inside our textbooks

the fresh and overwhelming bit of comforting smell of the harsh hardback book covers, giving a headache to itadori yet being indifferent to me.

It was exam season, the school year was soon to be over and i'd be a second year. New first years, and leaving third years. It was a serious period, and our futures depended on our mock scores. My ignorant boyfriend didn't understand that.

Instead of studying, memorizing equations, learning about history, and following up on his subjects, he would draw small doodles here and there in the corner of his papers, my headphones in his ears while he hummed along to my playlist which was pretty much just as his rather than mine.

He was like that for a while, eventually growing tired of it and looking for another source of entertainment, me.

placing his head on my shoulder and removing one earbud from his ear, he dropped his pencil and slammed his textbook shut, gazing at what i was working on. he had no intention to work.

"Will you go to summer school? Will you not go to university and instead live the rest of your life delivering pizzas?" i scolded him harshly, that did not motivate him one bit. his expression remained the same as he looked up to the naked windows where blinding light emitted from the melting but disappearing sun.

"I don't plan on going to university." His words were clear, maybe even frightening. His goals were a contrast from mine, i wanted to pursue my academicas after highschool, he didn't. It was the most foreign thing I've heard someone say.

itadori paused, a soft smile spreading across his face as he nuzzled his head further up my shoulder, "I'll just help my grandpa and older brother at home, besides-- nowadays you can get good jobs without going to university." despite his goals not carrying much success behind it, no desire to really succeed to the sky's limit, he had a kind smile with no guilt or second thoughts on his face while i frowned,

"i plan to go." I don't know why I said that, it was clearly obvious.

His wide smile grew, "that's good. I'm sure you'll do well, you're my girlfriend after all." His kind grin grew shy while saying cheesy words.

I kept pursuing the conversation. Looking back now, I was insensitive, it looked as if I belittled upon his wishes for the future. "So what will happen after we graduate? Will we go our separate ways?" I questioned. i believed our schedules wouldn't align just as our goals.

the boy laughed, raising his hand to run it through his head as he thought to himself before abruptly raising his head, the warm pool of touch that was just on my shoulder disappeared so suddenly.

"I really like you. how do you feel about me?" Just like his movements, his words were just as sudden.

I hesitated, I wasn't exactly sure of my feelings, nor was I one to talk about them in the first place, but I don't regret my answer at all.

"I feel the same way."

his concerned and anxious expression melts into a cute shy one.

"Then, when it really comes down to it, we'll make it work. we won't give up so easily, we'll find a way."

He wasn't sure of anything, he just left it all to his instincts and to the future. I admired his carelessness a bit for being so easy to not worry about what the future lays ahead, to focus on the present. Overthinking was foreign to him. We really are different. But, those differences aren't unlikable, I liked our contrasted mindsets.

and as he said those words so confidently about us, i couldn't help but find him so cool. my boyfriend was so cool.

BOYFRIEND, itadori yujiWhere stories live. Discover now