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Stu is moving along main street when Billy comes barreling up next to him. 

BILLY: How'd you do? 

STU: Piece of cake. She'll be there. 

BILLY: Thanks, butt wart. You did good. 

STU: So you gonna try and make up with Sid? 

BILLY: Duh...that's quick. 

STU: I was just asking. Why are you always at me? 

BILLY: Because I'm trying to build your self- esteem. You're far too sensitive. 

STU: Oh.... 

Billy thumbs Stu's forehead. 

BILLY: You ready to party hard tonight? 

STU: You know it. 

Many look suspicious at the conversation.

They come to a building centrally located in the heart of Main Street.  A huge, blue monstrosity that's bigger than the local bank and post office combined. The sign in front reads BLOCKBUSTER. Your typical Blockbuster huge and crowded.  Randy, in his Blockbuster get up, is busy reshelving returns when Stu appears knocking the videos out of his hand. 

STU: Jesus, this place is packed. 

RANDY: We had a run in the mass murder section. 

STU: You coming tonight?  

RANDY:  Yeah, I'm off early--curfew you know. 

He looks off to the side. 

RANDY: Now that's poor taste.

STU: What? 

Randy refers to Billy who stands down the aisle talking to TWO GIRLS, the twits from the bathroom. 

"What happened to those girls after this?" Tatum asked. Nicolle furrowed her eyebrows, "I think they still live in Woodsboro." Randy nods in agreement

RANDY: If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section? 

STU: It was all a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything.  

RANDY: You're such a little lap dog. He's got killer printed all over his forehead.  

STU: The why'd the police let him go? 

RANDY: Because, obviously they don't watch enough movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. PROM NIGHT revisited. 

Randy moves down the aisle, reshelving videos. 

STU: Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend? 

RANDY: There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides, if it's too complicated you lose your target audience. 

STU: So what's his reason? 

RANDY: Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him. 

STU: She's saving herself for you. 

RANDY: Could be. Now that Billy's tried to mutilate her, you think Sid would go out with me? 

STU: I think her father did it. How come they can't find his ass? 

RANDY: Because he's probably dead. His body will come popping out in the last reel somewhere...eyes gouged out. See, the police are always off track with this shit, if they'd watch PROM NIGHT they'd save time. There's formula to it. A very simple one. Everyone's always a suspect--the father,  the principal, the town derelict... 

STU: Which is you... 

RANDY: So while they're off investigating a dead end, Billy, who's been written off as a suspect, is busy planning his next hunting expedition. 

BILLY: How do we know you're not the killer? 

"Merlin, give me a warning next time!" Sirius exclaims, holding his heart. Nicolle chuckles and sends him a smirk, "But then It's not as fun."

Randy spins around to find Billy right behind him.  Busted. 

RANDY: Uh...hi, Billy. 

BILLY: Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost it's reality button? 

Randy shrugs, laughing it off. 

RANDY: You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect. 

STU: And what would be your motive?  

RANDY: It's 1996 --motives are incidental. 

Author's Note


Obviously this is different from the movie. This is based off of the original script, so a lot was changed between this and the actual movie.

I thought I'd treat you to a little chapter as I work on my unpublished THG fic, so here you go!

Until next time loves ❤️

- Lils<3

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