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"Would you like to make me the happiest man on earth?" He said, kneeling on one knee holding open a ring box. "Yes!! Always!" The naive girl said smiling like an idiot.

He slid the ring onto her finger, he stood up slowly after he finished putting the ring on he looked at the girl with the most heartwarming smile and the softest and happiest eyes ever and kissed her softly smiling through the kiss. "I will always love you no matter what, no matter who judges you... or how the world may look at you, I'll love you." He spoke.

2 Years later . . . .


The two fumbling around in their bedroom rushing to get ready in the morning not even a word spoken to each other. "Y/n" your husband said you looked up from your vanity and turned around from your seat, "I'll be leaving for work now" You nodded your head then hearing the bedroom door close, then the front door opening and closing

The two of you used to be very close, spending time with each other but since the past year with beomgyu getting his new position at his job managing more people and you getting your new position over financing for the company you both barely had time to interact aside from the brief words shared when leaving the house or texting each other letting the other know you won't be home until late that night.


The sounds of keys fiddling in the door fill the room as the door unlocked, beomgyu walks in though nearly tripping over the pair of high heels left at the door.. he growls his voice in aggravation pushing them over with his foot.

Walking into the bedroom beomgyu sees you sitting down on the bed, still in your work clothes scrolling on the computer.

"Y/n I thought I asked you to stop leaving your shoes at the front door"

he said, not even greeting you just straight to the point

His eyes blank full of no emotion as he continues

"It's annoying and it's a tripping hazard to anyone coming in" he looks at us waiting for a response yet he's greeted with silence. beomgyu walks up closer to us and closes the computer screen

"Beomgyu-? couldn't you see that I was doing something important?"

I said flickering my eyes up to him as he looks down at me with annoyed eyes

"I'm tired of having to repeat myself to you y/n" he raises his voice slightly to make his point clear

"just because I didn't reply doesn't mean I didn't hear! I don't really have time for this and i'm trying to complete some important work so could you mind?" I said sharply in reply, rolling my eyes at him.

Beomgyu eyes still showing no emotion other than being annoyed he pulls his tie loose while speaking

"so that's how it is? well the next time you nag me with something I'll just ignore you like you do with me"

"Nag?!" you exclaimed

"I'm never nagging you! if you would only listen to me the first time, I tell you something" Beomgyu laughed sarcastically "Honestly I'm getting a sense of deja vu? It's pretty ironic you telling me that after all you've said to me"

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