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~messing with you~


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After a long day of work, you finally got home and get some rest, you were able to take your shower and you even went out your way to wear your favorite set of pjs. Beomgyu was already sleeping so you quietly make your way into the bed avoiding any unnecessary noise. You sighed when you finally were able to rest your head on your pillow finally all the stress of the day was gone, no more hearing your coworkers' voices constantly asking you questions.

Peace at last ...

until ... you feel something moving around you, you look down, seeing two arms around your waist?

"Beomgyu what are you doing-?" you were confused ... but he didn't reply, his grip only tightened, and you could feel his head moving only deeper into your neck, you raised your shoulders upon feeling him

"ugh what is wrong with him?" you thought, you rolled your eyes in annoyance... all you wanted to do was sleep in peace after a stressful day at work

"could you please relax your shoulders more it's more comfortable when there relaxed~" beomgyu said leaning into your neck more

"beomgyu can you let go- "

he was already back asleep, you could feel his breath on your neck, and it was more consistent this time, it kind of made you shiver which made you want him off of you even more..

you tried moving out of his grasp, but he was hugging too tight, so you sighed and just gave up and finally relaxed

"why is he so touchy-feely all of a sudden tonight-?" you thought but you were honestly too tired to keep on thinking about it, so you just shrugged it off and went to sleep.

after a few minutes of sleeping, you feel movement and then a wave of shivers flow throughout your body..

(beomgyu kissed your neck in his sleep??)

"What the-"you woke up almost immediately "There's no way you're asleep- "

No, he was really asleep... and who knows how or what he was dreaming about that made him do this while he was still sleeping ...? you almost felt disoriented by his actions and so confused..

But why care? He's your husband after all... you tried to tell yourself, but the truth was, you were trying to get back to being used to this sudden affection since you distanced yourself from this relationship..

 you felt wave of tingles on your neck ... again? "No-no-no!! I know you're not sleeping..! what are you doing?!" all you could hear was his soft laugher filling the room, he finally let go of your waist and you turned over to him

"y/n look-look I'm sorry!~I really couldn't resist it~" he was reaaaaaally enjoying this, but You had to admit that the feeling wasn't painful or anything it felt quite nice, but you were just too stubborn to admit it.

"ugh- don't laugh! this isn't funny!" you rolled your eyes. "oh come on? when did you get so stubborn~!" he pouted and dramatically covered his face with his arm, you could only feel pity for how he basically acting like a child, so you turn around and face towards him and move his arm off his face. his eyes fluttered so quickly he was confused of what was happening

you put your hand on the side of his face and give him a small kiss, you were kind of shocked by your own sudden actions.. 

your eyes slowly met with his again "are you happy now?" you were about to continue but you felt his hand move to your head to bring you back closer and he kisses you back, you could've sworn you felt him smiling in the kiss .. he was so sly.

you break out of it and basically playfully hit his chest

"don't- do that- "you were so flustered by the whole interaction you barely could hold a sentence, so you just back turned over and buried your face into the blankets. Your ears were burning, and your stomach was full of butterflies

your heart was beating so fast, but you didn't know why? you tried so hard to resist those feelings, but they kept on resurfacing... beomgyu was right... why were you being so stubborn?~






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small little memory >.< this was so much fun to write

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