The Height of Love [ 1 ]

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"And she walks down, I noticed how she does it for real now
And she talks loud, she's telling me what I wanna hear now
Is it real now?"

Minji stands by the gym entrance, her tall, athletic frame leaning casually against the doorframe. At 180cm, she towers over most of her peers, her presence both imposing and alluring. She watches the bustling school hallway with a disengaged interest, her cold aura keeping most at bay. But beneath that exterior, Minji is observant, catching every detail, every interaction.

Hanni, at a petite 160cm, dashes through the corridor, her bright smile lighting up the space. As the school president and academic achiever, she is always on the move, balancing meetings, assignments, and her ever-growing list of responsibilities.

Today is no different.

As Hanni rushes past, she notices Minji's imposing figure leaning against the gym door. A sudden surge of frustration sweeps over her.

She has heard about Minji—the cold, mean girl who seems to scare off anyone who tries to approach her. And now, there she is, right in Hanni's path, seemingly indifferent to the chaos around her.

"Excuse me," Hanni snaps, her voice sharper than she intends. She stops abruptly, her irritation getting the better of her. "Can you not block the hallway?"

Minji raises an eyebrow, a tease smirk curving her lips. She looks at Hanni up and down, finding her cute just the way she looks, even way cuter with her height.

Slowly, she bends down to Hanni's level, her face inches away from the petite girl's.

Hanni's breath hitches as she slowly steps back, not comfortable with the sudden proximity.

"Pham Hanni," Minji reads off the nametag clipped to Hanni's shirt, her voice deep and smooth. "Cute but grumpy like an angry bunny." With that, she straightens up and walks away.

Hanni stands there, flustered and confused. 

"Did she not know who's the president of this school?"


A few days later, Hanni finds herself carrying a towering stack of books from the library to her next class. She struggles to keep them balanced. Her vision blocked by the hefty pile.

She turns a corner, her foot catching on something, and she feels herself starting to fall.

Just as Hanni braces for impact, a strong arm wraps around her waist, pulling her upright. The books tumble to the floor, but Hanni remains standing, her heart pounding in her chest.

She turns to see Minji, who's towering over her with her tall frame, making her feel so small.

"Careful there," Minji says, almost sounding like a tease.

"Thanks," Hanni mutters, both embarrassed and grateful. "I didn't notice you were there."

Minji kneels down, gathering the scattered books. "You should be more careful," she says, her tone gentle despite her cold demeanor. "Do you need help with these?"

Hanni nods, unable to find her voice. Minji's unexpected kindness catches her off guard.

They walk together. Minji helps Hanni carry half the books.

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