chapter 3

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"Is it me or today seems to be going a bit faster?" Emmett lowly asks his wife and siblings as they started walking towards the canteen. "It's going faster and much to my delight," Shivani states with a grin on her lips.

One of her arms were wrapped around Jasper's waist, the male guled to her side as they walked. Emmett and Rosalie held hands and were infront of them, Edward walked behind them and so did Alice but it seems as if she stuck closer to Shivani slightly.

Eversince this morning when she'd said that she didn't really think that Edward and the new girl could be mates, she has been kept her distance from the bronzed haired male. Because if that girl isn't his mate and he still goes after her, she did not want to be apart of it. Alice was not sure if the bronze haired male noticed as he hadn't said anything, so either he had not or has but choosed to stay silent. He could also just not care, eitherway she's glad that he isn't asking her questions.

As they all inched closer to the canteen doors, they heard an new voice speak up from inside the building.

"Who are they?" The voice asked and all the vampires but Edward sigh. "Damn, it is always the same question." Alice sighs out and if the bubbly Alice Cullen is tired of something, you know it's bad. It's that same exact question that the vampires would hear anytime they showed up and there was a new student. And it happens in every single school too. Edward seems to always love the attention but would try and play it off as he didn't but Jasper could always tell so it made no sense for the mindreader to lie. He still didn't get that though. Because if he did, he would not have lied to them all this morning. It was like he forgets about Jasper's gift or just doesn't truly understands how said gift works.

Which was odd when he's been around the male for decades already.

"The Cullen's," an very familiar voice pipes up and a smile tugged at Shivani's lips. When she said that she hated the humans, that didn't include Angela. And it never will either. Angel Weber is the most sweetest human to ever exist and even Rosalie had to agree as she too had no problem with Angela, even spoke to the girl a few times like Shivani had. The girl is their favorite human even if said human was the imprint of a wolf. Which meant that Angela knew what they were but she still treated them the same and still chatted with Rosalie and Shivani or would wave at them from time to time.

Her imprintee was the hothead of the pack yet he was a puppy whenever he's with Angela.

At first he wasn't really keen on Angela being friendly with the vanpires but had soon changed his mind on that when the vampire known as Shivani saved Angela when she was on a hike. And even if the girl was bleeding, Shivani kept her cool, patched her up and helped her home.

Hell, she even cooked and Paul Lahote had thanked her face to face for saving his imprint and taking care of her until her parents got home.

Now time from time, Shivani would cook and bake a few treats and send it for the grumpy wolf with his girlfriend who's of course welcomed to the food and treats as well. And it may come as a shock but Shivani, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett had actually hung out with Paul and Angela at times. Surprisingly Paul had got along with them all, mostly Jasper and Emmett who were both very nice enough to let the wolf spar with them whenever he'd need to let off steam or just spar for fun.

"They're Mr and Mrs. Cullens adoptive kids." Another voice pitched in and this time every single Cullen groan. They did not hate the gossiper per-say, she's just a tad bit annoying and nosey. Plus she had tried flirting with all the males, but that was before she knew that all but one of them were taken and she apologized to the girlfriends and males. "They moved here about 2 years ago, I think?" Jessica continues. "They're all together," the girl then adds.

Rosalie and Emmett walked in first and as always, eyes were on them. They had hoped that the staring would have died down since they've been there for a bit over two years but it seems like that will not happen anything soon.

"Okay, so the blonde beauty is Rosalie and she's with Emmett. The bulky huge dude that's holding her hand. They're a cute couple." Jessica says to the new girl Isabella Swan who was silent as she was taking in the information while she also gazed at the couple. "I agree, they are a cute couple." Angela agrees causing the two vampires to smile slightly.

Walked in next was another couple and Isabella's eyes widen at the sight of the dark skinned teen, cheeks flushing and her face heating up as she was unable to look away. Though Shivani wasn't using her gift, it seemed she still had an effect on humans. It didn't work on vampires unless she's using her gift but with the humans, it sadly seemed as if there's no turning it off.

"Next we have Shivani and Jasper. She's a tall goddess and he's her servant." The Stanley girl states making both Shivani and her husband smirk at her words as Angela laughs softly. "Well, she got that right," Jasper mutters as he glances up at his wife who smirks down at him which made him bite down on his bottom lip.

Jasper had never felt so small, so loved, so submissive before until he met her. It was as a switch flipped within him and he couldn't flip it off. Not that he'd ever want too. Because it felt so good, having someone care for him. Take care of him, love him. He didn't have to pretend as if he was some dominant figure because he was far from one unless he's protecting his wife or fighting. He's never been able to let free, to turn off his mind and just let someone else be in control. That was until his Shivani. She always knew when he just wanted/needed to relax or when he would need to hunt and such. Shivani made him happy, she made him feel free and loved. He loved the way she spoke to him and though they've been together for decades, she had never yelled at him.

Not even once.

"I mean, I don't know but that's what the two give off." Jessica states, snapping the blond male out his thoughts. "Next it the pixie haired girl, that's Alice. She's a bit odd but not in the bad way, she just kind of like dissociates?" The teen continues. "And lastly, Edward Cullen." She states and Isabella's lips parted at the sight of the male, eyes wide. "He and Alice are the only single ones." Jessica states. "But don't waste your time."

Isabella keeps her eyes on Edward as he sat down. "Wasn't planning on it," she tells Jessica as she and Edward's eyes met.


Comment and vote, not proofread.
There are spelling mistakes, I know.


Being sick fucking sucks, ong.

And incase you don't know, I have a book instagram. You can follow or not, doesn't really matter cause if I do polls there Imma do them here. [cumbxbyfanfics]

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