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This chapter is for @sarcolineskitty on Wattpad for redeeming the !write command on stream. If you want to choose what chapter I write next, make sure to follow my Twitch account @emmittroseherondale24 and join in at any time to start earning points for FREE and redeem the reward. All you have to do is watch and hang out with me on stream and you can start earning points and choose what book I update next!

Enjoy the chapter and as @sarcolineskitty once said- pink is not a color in the rainbow.

Callum's POV

Sitting in the waiting room had not been fun. It was always so cold in the office and every person that walked in, waiting for their session to start would stare for several seconds before deciding to sit as far away from me as possible. Everyone felt so awkward and despite all the sound machines lining the halls, you could hear every breath everyone took.

I had debated waiting in the car but I didn't want to risk Wey needing me or Axel finding out I wasn't where I said I would be so I stayed put even though I was bored out of my mind.

I wanted nothing more than to do almost anything else but I forced myself to remember why I was here and how much this would help them if I forced them to stick with it.

I checked my phone and noticed the twins only had a few minutes left in their sessions and sighed. At least it was almost over.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and leaned my head back against the chair. God this was taking forever.

Then it happened.

The small plastic button in my pocket began to chime. My heart stopped as I stood up from the chair and stormed down the hall to Andrew's office.

No thought filled my head as I slammed the door open. Weylyn was crying, his breaths coming out in short bursts as he shied away from the man that I had known for most of my life.

"What happened," I asked as I sat down in front of my brother.

"We were just talking and then he froze up and started crying and then he pressed the button and now you're here." I frowned as I took Weylyn's face in my hands and forced his eyes away from the floor.

He had balled himself up in the small chair, curling up to be as small as he could make himself but as his eyes landed on me and the tears were blinked away he lunged for me. His arms wrapped around my neck as he pulled me close and began crying into my chest.

"Hey Weylyn," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him while a hand played with his hair. "What's going on? Why all of those tears?"

"I want to go home," he sobbed through the occasional hiccup.

"Okay. We can go home. We just need to wait for Axel to get done and then we can go straight home." His sobbing picked up as Andrew attempted to come close. I gave the man a warning glare and he simply backed away against the far wall.

"What the hell is going on in here," Axel screamed as he stormed into the room.

"We'll talk about it later," I said as I picked up my youngest brother and began walking out of the door but Axel wasn't following.

"What did you do to him," Axel seethed as he stepped closer to Andrew.

"We were just talking," Andrew soothed as he backed farther into the wall. After years of being threatened by Jax, I'm sure Axel wasn't all that frightening in his eyes.

"Just talking doesn't equal this," Axel scoffed. "Did you touch him?"

"No," Andrew said a bit too quickly, his voice a bit too defensive. If I hadn't known him as well as I did, I'm not so sure I would have believed him either. "I asked him a simple question and I didn't realize it would trigger him like this."

"Isn't it not your fucking job to know these things and actively try to avoid them?"

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