*twerks cutely while my bald head
glistens beautifully in the sun*

*the sounds of heaven are heard
from above and jesus comes down
on a skateboard yelling :*


*my grandma does opa gangam
style dance in 2x and all the
archangels mew because they are

' you.. are the chosen one. you
have infinite rizz. "
*jesus says, petting my bald, shiny

*i blush.*

" j-j-jesus-san.. what is
h-happening..? "

" i'm rizzing you up, kitten
whiskers.. "

*jesus says, doing the giga chad
face as he brushes my shiny
caillou ass head with a toilet

" b-b-but jesus-san.. aren't you
the ultimate giga chad ? "

*i ask, tucking my non-existent
hair behind my ear*

"i am just kai cenat..i have been
edging for ages.. are you here to
help me rizz everyone up ? "

*i ask shyly,blushing.*

" you shall edge no more, kai
cenat.. for you have ultimate giga
chad fanum tax skibidi ohio john
cena sigma rizz.. "

*jesus says, licking my caillou-like

*i meow.*

" you're so cute when you meow,
kitten whiskers.. "

*jesus-san whispers.*

jesus x mr.cleanWhere stories live. Discover now