Steven Tyler: Criminal, A-hole, or both?

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Steven Tyler, known for being the lead singer for Aerosmith, has made headlines many times since the 70s. He has made popular songs such as "Dream On" and "Walk This Way", but underneath all that fame in fortune, lies something hidden from the world.


Julia Misley sued Steven Tyler in December of 2022(?). She claimed that he had sexually assaulted her when she was just 16. This allegedly took place in 1973 when Misley was just 16, and Tyler was just about 26.

During this time, the legal age of consent was just 16 years old. Which means, if she consented to it, everything was legal. Tyler actually wrote in his own memoir, things that left people questioning.

These are direct quotes from Tyler's memoir:

"Almost took a teen bride."

"Her parents fell in love with me, signed a paper over for me to have custody, so I wouldn't get arrested if I took her out of state."

Why exactly would a man who's pushing 30, want anything to do with a minor?

According to the lawsuit, Tyler had taken Misley, who's last name was Holcomb at the time, back to his hotel room to "discuss her age" after meeting at a Aerosmith concert. The lawsuit says he then preformed "various acts of criminal sexual misconduct".

The lawsuit claimed that he had used his fame and fortune to groom, and manipulate her over 3 years. 3 months after being sued, Tyler's defense came out with a statement. His response was that he had "immunity", as her guardian. (

Tyler's defense claimed that he did NOT force her to get an abortion 5 months in, and that she consented. This of course made fans question even more. He claimed that he didn't sexually assault her, or do any of the things she claimed, yet defended his actions with "immunity" and ALLEGED "consent".

(Defending your actions, that you also somehow didn't do???)

Current laws in California state that the legal age of consent is 18.

"Thus, it is a criminal act to engage in sex with anyone under 18, and any person who does so can be charged with statuory rape under California penal code 261.5"

This means that if Tyler could somehow prove she consented, then everything at the time was legal. The age of consent was again 16 at the time of the incident. The same thing goes, if she could prove she did NOT consent. Obviously, since this took place 50 years ago, neither of them could necessarily win. This means the case would likely need to be settled.

3 years ago govenor Newsom opened up a limitation window for childhood SA victims. This is because some victims have shown better memory after therapy and can better defend themselves. This means she would have a chance to take this to court.

A woman has also since sued Steven Tyler as of November 2023. She claims to have been 17 when she met Tyler at a bar (?). She claimed that he had assaulted her in a phone booth and followed her to her hotel room.

Many fans are torn between Misley and Tyler. Some fans say she is after money, or that she should have sued a long time ago, while others support her.

It is clear that Misley has been trying to sue Tyler for years. It wasn't until he released his memoir, that she actually had a legal standing, because he admitted to things in the book. If Julia was after money wouldn't she have settled by now, rather than attempting to take him through the criminal court?

As of this year the battle has since continued, the second women's lawsuit was struck down by New York. She had "waited too long to bring the case to light". The case didn't allign with New York's laws allowing victims to open up about decades old crimes.

Julia Misley trial is still going. Steven Tyler did however have a small win. While his memoir did not mention Misley by name, he did admit in court that him and Misley had a sexual relationship and that her parents gave him guardianship, implying that his memoir was in fact about her.

The court ruled in favor of the fact that his memoirs were written in 1997 and 2011, and since they did not mention her by name, and they alligned with his first amendment right of freedom of speech, she could not sue him for emotional distress caused by the memoir.

Misley also said that her mother DID NOT sign guardianship, but they had started dating after meeting at the concert. She claimed that Tyler told her that the baby would "suffer defects from an apartment fire they were involved in". She allegedly agreeded to terminate the pregnancy. It is also widely speculated that Tyler had sent friends to burn down the apartment she was living in.

Misley was also the one who broke off the relationship and moved home. Leaving fans to believe she is telling the truth because it wouldn't make sense to beg for money from a guy SHE LEFT, rather than going after a guy who left her like some women have done in the past.

Tyler has since asked the court to have her pay a whopping $153,423 in legal fees. This is coming from the fact he "has to spend an additonal $12,930 to fight this baseless claim" It seems like Tyler himself is ironically the one begging for money in this case.


This is about all there currently is to know about this case, but if anyone wants updates I'll be happy to add them. ♡

W/C: 944

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