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### Pacific Ocean - Night###

The Pacific Ocean at night was a vast, undulating expanse of darkness. The waves moved in a steady rhythm, a ceaseless dance of water and foam under the cloak of mist that hung low over the surface. The moonlight pierced through the mist in silvery shafts, casting an eerie glow on the restless sea. The air was thick with the salty tang of the ocean, mingled with the faint, distant sound of crashing waves.

In this tranquil scene, something stirred beneath the depths. The water bubbled and churned as if disturbed by an unseen force. A low, rumbling growl resonated through the water, sending ripples across the surface. Suddenly, the calm was shattered.

With a deafening roar, a colossal creature broke through the ocean's surface. This was a Kaiju, a monstrous beast of nightmarish proportions. Its body was a grotesque amalgamation of scales and armor, glistening with seawater. Jagged spines lined its back, and its eyes glowed with an unnatural, malevolent light. Each step it took sent shockwaves through the water, the waves crashing violently against its massive form.

The Kaiju's presence was an embodiment of raw, destructive power. As it emerged fully from the water, it shook off the remnants of the sea, a spray of droplets catching the moonlight like a sinister halo. It stood there for a moment, a towering silhouette against the night sky, before letting out another earth-shaking roar.

Its head turned, eyes fixing on a distant point beyond the horizon. San Diego. The city lay unsuspecting, its lights twinkling innocently in the night. The Kaiju began to move, its massive limbs propelling it through the water with terrifying speed and purpose. Each stride brought it closer to the shore, closer to the city.

The mist parted in its wake, the ocean itself seeming to recoil from the beast's advance. As it surged forward, a sense of impending doom hung in the air. The Kaiju was coming, and with it, a wave of destruction that would test the mettle of humanity's last defenders.

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