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Signing with Arsenal at 16 was risky. Leaving home at 16 was also very risky, but it wasn't like there was a home anyways for Olivia Collins. The first day she got to London and signed her contract, before Jonas brought up the housing situation.

"So, since you are a minor you can't live by yourself." The Swedish man said with a smile as he showed Olivia around the training center. Olivia just hummed in response, looking around the unfamiliar place. "We thought you would be most comfortable with a fellow Australian, so we were thinking either Steph or Caitlin since Kyra is a little young to be taking care of a 16 year old."

"I'd be fine staying with Steph." Olivia smiled lightly familiar with the Matilda's captain, even if they hadn't met.

Jonas smiled and nodded before speaking, "That's what the club was thinking too. So if you'd like to meet her she's in our lounge room." The Swedish man lead Olivia down a hallway and into a room. When entering the room Steph was sat scrolling through her phone as she waited.

Once the door opened Steph stood up and smiled, "Hey kiddo, I'm Steph."

The fellow Australian smiled. "I know. I'm Olivia but most people call me Liv." The 16 year old got pulled into a hug by the older women.

After their meeting Jonas spoke up, "Right girls, I'm sure Liv has had a long day how about you both get home before training tomorrow."

The car ride back to Steph's home was quiet, both of them slightly unsure of the other. Once finally arriving to St. Albans home Olivia walked behind Steph.

"Just be aware my golden doodle might attack you," Steph said with a small laugh as she opened the door letting the 16 year old in. Right as Olivia walked in she was immediately met by the over excited dog, and she was immediately in love with him.

"What's his name?" Liv asked looking up at the older Australian as she played with the golden doodle.

Steph smiled watching the two as the older Australian moved to set her stuff down. Steph looked to the Liv before answering, "Calvin." After about 10 minutes of playing with the dog Liv got up following Steph to her new room. "I know it's plain right now but you can make it yours overtime," Steph said as she showed Olivia the room.

After looking around the room for a couple minutes Olivia practically tackled the older Aussie into a hug. "Thank you so much," Liv mumbled as she held onto Steph.

Steph paused for a second before welcoming the hug, her hand running up and down the 16 year olds back. "Of course kiddo." Steph smiled as she set Olivia down on her bed. "Anything you need from me?" Steph asked, ruffling Olivia's hair lightly. A small shake of the head left Steph giving the 16 year old some space.

That's how Liv's first night in London went. Getting to know Steph, and her surroundings. Little did she know Steph would become one of her closet friends, like a mother, and the people she would meet the next day would be like her family.

"Right kiddo, you ready?" Steph asked, as they walked into Sobha Realty Training Centre. A small nod from Olivia left them heading to the meeting room. They were a little early so only a couple people were there, that being Kim, Leah, and Lia. Small introductions left Liv sitting between Leah and Steph.

"So, where are you from?" Leah asked, trying to pass the time and get to know her new teammate.

Liv smiled as she looked at the England captain. "Uh from right outside of Sydney, Kangaroo Valley," Liv said as she thought about her home town. A small frown came to the young aussies lips but she quickly covered it up as she continued some small talk with Leah. The room started to slowly fill up and Liv leaned slightly into Steph, as the meeting started.

Jonas talked about the beginning of the season, welcomed the new signings, before letting everyone head to the locker room before training. Olivia stuck mostly to Steph's side, still unsure of most people in the room.

"Steffy!" Kyra yelled as she jumped onto the Australian captain before falling off, and grabbing her neck as it got smacked. "Ow, what was that for?"

Steph groaned and rolled her eyes at the young Aussie. "Kyra, be nice. This is Olivia. Liv this is Ky. She's pretty annoying but you'll get used to it." Steph smiled lightly patting Kyras head.

Liv mumbled a small hi, and waved at the 22 year old Aussie as they entered the locker room. Kyra definitely had a bit too much for the over stimulated 16 year old who just wanted to get onto the field. After changing they finally got to practice, which Liv was very excited about. Towards the end of training Liv showed off her skill in 5 a side.

Liv was on a team with Manu, Laia, Kathrine, and Alessia. Pairing with Ke in the midfield seemed to work really good for the Aussie, as they passed around everyone, including the Kim Little and Leah Williamson.

"Damn, she's good," Katie mumbled as she got a sip of water glancing up at Caitlin who looked just as shocked as her. A couple moments later Katie's team got put on, and Katie was going up against Liv. Olivia had the ball, and her back was facing the goal. She knew Katie was running at her, and having watched film she knew she would have the opportunity to meg the Irish women, and that's exactly what she did. A small flick and she was past Katie, before passing it to Alessia for a easy tap in goal.

"She's a superstar!" Steph yelled as she ruffled Liv's hair, as the pair walked back to the locker room.

Liv smiled at the older Aussie, going to respond until she was picked up. A small squeak came from the 16 year old before she calmed hearing the Irish accent. "You have to teach me that move kiddo." Katie smiled as she set the Aussie back down.

Liv nodded, already enjoying the team and growing to like each member of the team in their own unique way. "Maybe you should've closed your legs." Liv giggled as she looked at Katie.

Katie fake gasped as she moved to tickle the 16 year old. "Oi, you're cheeky aren't you." Katie put Olivia on her shoulders in a piggy back, running around the team.

"Katie do not hurt my baby!" Steph yelled as she watched the two. The older Aussie already feeling over protective of her roommate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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