Chapter 6

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"Thank you for going out with me tonight," Harry says.

"No problem thank you for having me. Your family is lovely," I tell him.

"Yeah they're alright, also thank you for being a total bad ass to my step brother he can be kind of a dick," he says.

"Kind of I thought I hated you but him wow he is just on the top of my shit list," I say and we both laugh.

"Well we are home," Harry says breaking the awkward silence. "Goodnight." He walks over to me and puts my hair behind my ear. He leans into me and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight,"I say and push him away from me. He walks away with a big grin on his face.

"Oh wait Harry I know what you can do for me," I say.

"Okay what?" He asks.

"Well I'm doing this painting competition thing and I'd love if you would let me paint you," I tell him.

"Like a portrait?"

" no it would be something more free hand and off the top of my head I just need your permission to use you as an inspiration. So like you don't get weirded out if you see a picture of you or something hanging somewhere," I tell him.

"Yeah okay when do I start," he asks.

"Tomorrow come to my place around like noon or so and we will start throwing around ideas," I tell him.

"Okay sounds good," he says. I walk into my apartment and change into something more comfortable. I take off my make up and French braid my hair back. After I am ready for bed I lay down and go to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of people laughing in my house. I get up and go into the living room and check it out. I find my brother and Harry sitting on the coach watching basketball.

"Oh yes let's go Curry my money is on this game," Harry says. Just then the guy Harry was rooting for does something and the game ends. "In your fucking face," Harry shouts.

"Lebron James is still the best," my brother scoffs.

"Whatever give me my money you loser," Harry says to him and laughs. My brother hands him some money and they both sit back down on the couch.

"I'm glad everyone is having a good time," I say. They both turn around and look at me.

"Hey Flower," my brother says. I walk over to the couch and sit I between them.

"Hello River," I say to him. He engulfs me in his arms and then messes up my hair.

"Don't I get a hug?" Harry says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Um no," I say.

"You were so much nicer last night," Harry winks at me.

"I knew you guys are dating," my brother says.

"No we are not I had to go do w favor for him last night it wasn't anything like that," I snap.

"Okay little chill out," he says.

"No you chill out," I say back to him.

"I don't know what your problem is but I think you need to meditate," he says and raises his eyebrows at me.

"I think that you don't need to tell me what to do in my house," I snap at him.

"Yeah you need a break I'm not arguing with you. You know I don't argue. Positive vibes," he turns away from me.

"I'm leaving then," I tell him. I grab my bag and put on a change of clothes. I then walk out the door.

"I'm glad you could meet me," Daisy says.

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