Chapter 4 - The Bet (Part 1)

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*Eleanor's POV*

The week passed by with incredible speed and Saturday arrived too fast for my liking.

"Afternoon John," I yell as I close the back door of the restaurant. John’s the cook and he’s been working at Nando's for ages.

"Hey El, I saw you on television this week. Nice boyfriend you have!" He winks at me.

"Very funny John. Let's just clear one thing: Harry Styles is not my boyfriend." I glare at him and swipe my name card through the machine to sign in for my shift. John raises his arms.

"Whatever you say, hun! Enjoy your shift." I thank him and walk to the locker room to change into my uniform. Working at Nando's is really tiring and annoying, but absolutely worth it. The staff is amazing and we always joke around when the boss isn't there. Every week, around 500 girls visit the restaurant, just because they hope that they’re able to see Niall Horan, who adores Nando's. I've never seen anyone from One Direction here, though.

I quickly change my clothes and run into the restaurant, where the manager, Amanda, shoves a tray and a small notebook into my hands.

"Hello to you too!" I say cheerily. She smiles and replies, "Hello sweetheart. Now go serve some people!"

I walk towards the first table, which is occupied by two boys.

"Hi, welcome to Nando's! Can I help you?" I look at my notebook and write the date on the first page.

"Just a drink for now... A coke, please," the first boy says with an Irish accent. Hey cool! I like Irish people!

"Same for me please," the other boy says. I finish writing and look up at them. The first boy has blonde hair and is staring at me with his head tilted. What, dude? The second boy is wearing a beanie and has dimples. Cool! I like dimples!

"Ok, so two coke?" They both nod.

"I'll be right back," I say and then I smile and turn around.

"Thanks Eleanor!"

"No problem." I start towards the kitchen. Wait. What? I turn around again, towards the boy with the beanie, who’s in full hysterics and basically rolling on the floor. He looks at me and takes of his beanie, brown curls jumping around his head as he laughs again. Harry fucking Styles. I should've known.

"Hey!" He calms down a little, "I didn't know you worked here."

"Maybe because I never told you," I sass. Ok, so if Harry is here, then the blond guy with him must be Niall. I guess…

"Hey Niall," I say, turning towards the boy.

"Hi! You know, I've heard a lot about you from Harry. He doesn't shut up about you. Ever since you guys met on Monday he’s been ta- OW! Shit Harry! Don't kick me! Anyways, it's cool to finally meet you." He extended his hand and I laugh, slip my booklet in my pocket and shake his hand.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get your cokes before my boss gets mad at me." I speed off towards the kitchen to get two glasses.

"Guess what?" I yell at John, who’s preparing some chicken. He raises his eyebrows and motions for me to keep talking.

"Harry Styles and Niall Horan are sitting at table number 9. And they want coke."

"OMG! This is sooo exciting," John yells back at me. He thinks the same about One Direction as me; he likes them, but isn't a HUGE fan. I laugh and place two glasses under the drink machine. I watch as the foam on top of the coke disappears. Amanda taught me how to hold a tray when I'd just started my work here. It isn't hard, but the weight of the glasses and the dishes on the tray always surprise me. With the glasses on the tray I return to the restaurant.

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