Money isn't everything, my love

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That was her mother's go to phrase.

 Siobhan's family was always able to *just* get by. They had food, they had shelter, they had clothes. What they didn't have were the extras. Designer labels, outings, hell even brand name cereals were only a dream for them.

What they did have was love. Her parents were more in love than she thought was possible. Even in the hard times they were making each other laugh and told their kids that was what mattered. You could live without the finer things, but you should never live without love.

Unfortunately, that advice was not enough to stop the relentless teasing. Siobhan was bullied mercilessly for years for her old shoes, her plain clothes, the car her parents brought her to school in. She knew from a very young age that they would never laugh at her again. She did not know what she wanted to do but she knew she would be very rich by any means necessary. Even if that meant never having the love her parents felt for each other.

There was one person though who was always there for her. Her best friend, Marjorie. Marj came from the complete opposite background as Siobhan. Though her family were quite comfortable financially her parents weren't ones to show love. She was alone a lot and longed for nothing more than someone to love her and only her. The two girls were inseparable all through their apprenticeships at the Knight Nursery. Marjorie never judged her for what she could afford. They had movie nights, ordered off the dollar menu and would about  talk for hours about their futures. Marjorie always wishing for her loving family, and Siobhan for her financial security.


A/N - Hello! I have never written a fanfic before but a group chat I'm in said my head cannon sounded like it should be one so I figured I could give it a shot. 

Please let me know if this is something worth continuing or if there are any things you would like to see added. I'm down to incorporate requests in to this story :)

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