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TW: allusions to SA and Abuse

Siobhan went back to the bar every night that weekend. She felt pulled to Sara. She couldn't explain it. She had never felt the need to see someone like this, to talk to them. It was breaking her that Roger would be back the next day and she wouldn't see her again.

"Back again I see!" Sara slid her way in front of Siobhan flashing her a smile. "You know, if you keep this up I might get the impression you are interested in more than the martinis."

"Well, you do make some of the best."

"You're sweet. Back in a moment."

Sara returned with the martini but didn't hang around the bar as she had the past few nights. That's when Siobhan noticed the note written on her napkin.

"My shift ends in 20 minutes. Meet me outside?"

Siobhan stared at the words, not knowing what to do next. She didn't know what she wanted out of her flirting. She thought for what seemed like an eternity and finally decided. Sara made her feel so special, she was going to meet her.

Ten minutes later she paid for her drink and made her way out the front door to wait. She paced nervously thinking about what could happen that evening. Would she take her back to Roger's house? Sure she lived there too but he made it clear it didn't belong to her. Did she really think she could get away with this?

Before she could think much longer the door opened and Sara came rushing toward her.

"Sorry, it took a bit longer to clock out than usual. Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!"

Siobhan noticed that the woman had retouched her makeup before leaving, she was wearing lipstick that wasn't there before. She chuckled to herself that someone made this much of an effort just for her.

"No trouble at all." Siobhan couldn't help but check the girl out. This was her first time seeing her out from behind the bar. Sara stood a couple inches shorter than her, giving Siobhan a feeling of dominance she had never felt before. She could get used to this. "So shall we take your car or mine?"

"I've always wanted to be someone's passenger princess." Sara answered, smiling up at her.

With a wink, Siobhan grabbed her hand and led her over to her car. She could tell Sara was shocked at the sight of her black Land Rover. The drive back to Roger's was not very long. Sara's shock was apparent once again when they pulled up to the house.

The house was rather imposing. It was set up on a hill and surrounded by a large iron fence. As they made their way up the long drive and pulled into the garage she heard Sara whisper in disbelief.

"This is where you live."

Siobhan just smiled. Being able to show off her wealth brought her a great amount of pride. She had worked hard and put up with so much to get it and finally it was paying off. Sara didn't know anything about her. Her past or where she came from. She just saw the image that Siobhan had always wanted for herself.

The night escalated quickly after they got inside. Sara barely waited for the door to close before she pinned Siobhan up against it, kissing her all over with a fire that was completely new to the older woman.

What she had with Roger was anything but passionate. More often than not she didn't even want to participate. So when she instinctively returned Sara's passion it caught her off guard. She had never felt this way before. Every move the woman made drove her wild. She needed to be with her. It wasn't work, it was something else. But Siobhan wouldn't let her mind wander to what she feared those feelings might be.

They made their way upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms. Siobhan wouldn't dare take her into the master bedroom, she wanted what they had to stay special and that room had too many bad memories. She was so caught up in the woman with her she didn't think about the scars and bruises hidden beneath her clothes. That was until Sara had grabbed her shirt and pulled it off, gasping at what she saw.

"Oh my god. Siobhan. Are you alright?"

Siobhan didn't know how to respond. She was obviously not alright and she didn't feel like she could lie to Sara any longer.

"I..." her words caught as she tried to decide how to continue. "My...boyfriend he..."

"Some boyfriend." Sara responded analyzing all the injuries she saw. She tried to hide the hurt in her voice as she continued. "So...I was just a bit of fun then?"

One night stands were not new to Sara. You spend your time talking to people. Things are bound to be flirty sometimes. Talks would escalate and before she knew it, there she was again walking out of a strangers apartment, knowing she wasn't going to ever see them again. With Siobhan it was different. They got flirty but until tonight that was as far as it went. And she came back for her. Was it really all that crazy for Sara to think maybe this one time it would be different?

Siobhan didn't have to think more than a moment about the answer. She was incredibly fond of Sara, and thought that this could become something more.

"You are so much more than just a bit of fun, Sara. Our arrangement will just have to be...unconventional. Roger takes care of me. Everything I have is his and I can't lose it all. Not after everything I've gone through to get it."

Sara looked deep into Siobhan's eyes. She no longer saw the strong woman flirting with her at the bar. She saw someone incredibly broken and searching for someone, anyone to understand what she was going through. Her feelings for Siobhan were undeniable. She'd never met anyone like her before. She couldn't leave her to go through this alone.

" is this going to work?"

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