Moving Up

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Sleeping her way to the top proved easier for Siobhan than she expected. She had always been a hard worker. Grinding to reach her goals, get away from her past, and make a better life for herself. She had finally found a method that let her relax a bit. The first weeks together were kept to themselves. Siobhan barely even had to enter a room for Roger to be at her command. He bought her gifts, took her to private dinners, and paid for her living expenses before eventually just having her move in with him. And all she had to do was lie there twice a week, and it wasn't like those sessions lasted very long. Eventually he showed her off to all his friends. She enjoyed the attention she got from leering men in their 60s and even reveled in their wives distaste for her. She wanted for nothing.

But that was Roger's goal. He had a long history of knowing how to manipulate people to his will. Siobhan wouldn't be the first and she wouldn't be the last. He needed her to feel like she was in control. She needed to think that anything she was asking for was her idea, not exactly what he was willing her to do. He had made her completely dependent on him. It was his house, his money, his everything.

After a few weeks Siobhan joined the ranks of Roger's spies. She kept an eye on both nurseries for him. Roger kept calling in Marjorie for training so he could place Siobhan in the Knight Nursery to keep an eye on Autumn. She was the first to know about her blossoming relationship with Winter. Even though the staff dating was frowned upon, and further discouraged between a deputy manager and one of her employees, it wasn't like Roger could say anything about it. He was doing the same thing with Siobhan. But Roger knew that his grip on his daughter would lessen even further as the relationship went on.

So when Siobhan came to him hinting that she wanted to move up to a partner, Roger saw a path to gaining his control back.

"You know, darling," he responded, "a position like that would better suit your standing. I think we can make that happen. We will need to give it some time though to find the perfect replacement to be manager at your nursery."

Roger knew exactly who that candidate would be.

In the new year she would be a partner and a member of the board of directors. Aside from a silent partner only Roger knew the identity of, the board was only made up of family. Siobhan saw this as her final step in getting what she wanted. She was officially with Roger, making herself, finally, as rich as the owner.

Siobhan knew the news of her moving up was going to devastate Marjorie. But she wasn't just going to tell her without having a bit of fun. She called over to the Knight Nursery and proposed a contest. Marjorie had recently recorded a charity song and for some reason thought it could become popular. Siobhan told her if she could get the song to be the Christmas #1 she would resign. If not she would get to fire one of her employees.

Torturing Marjorie reminded Siobhan of the old days. Often she would think about her old friend and the nights they would spend talking about their futures and how much she just wanted to tell her that she was finally getting all she has ever wanted. But the words of their fight still rung in her ears years later. Sure she was getting all she wanted and she had proved Marjorie wrong. Even if she didn't love Roger, she was not alone. Marjorie still was.

"So," Siobhan asked over dinner one evening, "Who is this mystery replacement for me?"

"It's my son, Reece." Roger answered.

Siobhan had never met Reece but had heard all about how his antics had strained the relationship with his sister and how he all but disappeared for twenty years. Only returning for the yearly family dinner where he received his payout.

"And how did you manage that?" She asked, genuinely surprised he was even able to get in contact.

"He actually called me. He's been wanting to make up with Autumn. God knows why....But I know my girl and she will not go for it. She holds a grudge as well as her father. Having those two at odds across the nurseries will bring control back to me."

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