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Carrington knocks on Johnnie's door before he just opened it anyway. "Hey, uh, you streaming?"he asks.

"uhh, yeah. I am . You good? What's up man?" Johnnie asks as he looks away from his computer and towards the other roommate.

It was Carrington and Johnnie in Johnnie's room. Jake is not in the room. "I'm fine, uh, can you stop your stream?" Carrington says, a bit concerned.

Johnnie stops the stream, a concerned look on his face. He can tell that something is up.
"Yeah, of course. What's goin' on, Car?"

Carrington laughs a bit at the nickname. "Haha, ok. but in all seriousness, I don't know what's going on with Jake. he's like freaking out or something. He's in his room."

Johnnie's concern grows as Carrington speaks. He stands up, a look of worry etched into his features.
"Freaking out? What do you mean? Is he, like, upset or somethin'?"

Carrington shrugs his shoulders. "I.... have no fucking clue. I just found out that this morning, he woke up late, and uhhh, his routine got thrown off a bit." he briefly explained.

Johnnie listened intently as Carrington explained the situation. He knew how important routine was for Jake, and he knew it could really throw him off.
"Damn, okay. Thanks for telling me. I'll go check on him."

"No problem dude. Uhh, do you need me to help you out or anything? like - I can help out. I'm worried about Jake. I tried talking to him earlier but he was like nonverbal or something." Carrington says.

Johnnie appreciates Carrington's offer, but he knows Jake can get overwhelmed sometimes. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Nah, it's alright, man. Just stay out here, okay? I'll handle it. Jake can get overwhelmed when he's like this."Johnnie replied.

"Oh okok, well I'm gonna go get his favorite snacks settled in the kitchen. Maybe it'll help ease him. I keep forgetting.. is Jake autistic?" Carrington asks.

Johnnie nods, a thankful expression on his face. He appreciates Carrington's willingness to help out.
"Yeah, he is. And snacks sound great. Maybe some water or a soda too. He's gotta be dehydrated by now. Thanks, man."

"Yeah for sure, of course." Carrington smiled as he went down the stairs.

Johnnie watches Carrington head down the stairs before heading towards Jake's room. He knocks softly on the door, calling out to his friend gently.

"Jake? It's me, buddy. Can I come in?" He asks.

There was no response. Which made Johnnie open the door. But.. Jake wasn't in the room.

Johnnie's brows furrowed in confusion as he entered the room and found it empty. He quickly checked the bathroom, but Jake wasn't there either. A feeling of worry started to creep in.
"Jake? Where'd you go, bud?"

"Johnnie!!" Carrington exclaimed up the stairs. "His car is gone!" he shouts up the steps.

Johnnie's eyes widen in panic at Carrington's words. He quickly rushes back down the stairs, almost tripping over himself.
"What do you mean his car's gone?! Where would he even go?!"

Carrington responded worriedly, "no fucking clue! I mean, maybe he had to do a 7/11 run or something?..."

Johnnie's heart is racing as he processes the situation. He tries to rationalize it, hoping Jake just went to the store or something.
"Maybe. But damn, he usually texts when he leaves. He knows we worry about him."

"Call him" Carrington worriedly says as he is looking out the window. Trying to see any sight of Jake's vehicle.

Johnnie nods, already pulling out his phone and dialing Jake's number. He taps his foot impatiently as he waits for Jake to answer, his eyes darting between his phone and the window where Carrington is looking.

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