officially meeting each other

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Author p.o.v.:

The mahogany doors of the executive floor swung open with a pneumatic hiss. A tall figure, impeccably dressed in a charcoal suit, strode in. Arrogance hung around him like an expensive cologne. This was Yakshit Singhania, the prodigal CEO, back at the helm after five years.

He found himself face-to-face with a woman in a crisp brown power suit, her back ramrod straight, scrutinizing a report. "Ms. Shukla ," Veer announced, his voice clipped.

The woman glanced up, her fiery eyes meeting his with a cool indifference. "Actually, Mr. Singhania," she corrected, her voice laced with a hint of amusement, "it's Ms. Anand. Managing Director."

Yakshit blinked, surprised by the sharpness in her tone. He brushed it aside. "Right. Of course. Ms. Anand. I trust you've been holding down the fort in my absence?"

Ms. Anand placed the report down with a sharp click. "In a manner of speaking, Mr. Singhania. Though some might argue the fort needed a little more than just holding." Her gaze flicked to the clock on the wall. "We have a meeting in five minutes. Get acquainted with the agenda?"

Yakshit felt a flicker of irritation. This Anand woman was certainly efficient, bordering on brusque. "I assure you, Ms. Anand, I'm well-versed in the company's affairs."

A ghost of a smile played on Ms. Anand's lips. "That remains to be seen, Mr. Singhania. Shall we?"

She turned, her stilettos clicking a sharp rhythm against the marble floor as she headed towards the conference room. Yakshit followed, a frown furrowing his brow. There was something about her, a spark of familiarity in her fiery gaze that nagged at him. But it was buried deep under layers of icy professionalism.

"Interesting," he muttered to himself. "Very interesting indeed."

The meeting commenced, a whirlwind of reports and strategies. Ms. Anand commanded the room, her sharp mind and decisive pronouncements leaving no room for dissent. Yakshit watched, intrigued by this enigmatic woman who seemed to hold the company on her capable shoulders.

As the day wore on, their paths crossed a few more times. Each interaction chipped away a bit at yakshit's initial annoyance. He found himself grudgingly impressed by Ms. Anand's work ethic and unwavering dedication. Yet, a frustrating wall of professionalism kept him at bay.

By the end of the week, a strange pattern had emerged. Work days were a relentless dance of meetings, presentations, and decisions. Evenings were spent buried in files, both working late into the night. A silent mutual respect began to simmer beneath the surface.

One particularly grueling night, Yakshit emerged from his office to find Ms. Anand hunched over her computer, a cup of cold coffee forgotten beside her. He stopped, surprised by a strange protectiveness washing over him.

"You should get some rest, Ms. Anand," he said, his voice softer than he intended.

She looked up, startled. Recognition flickered in her eyes for a fleeting moment before it was extinguished. "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Singhania," she said coolly. "But I have a deadline to meet."

Yakshit sighed, a hint of exasperation creeping back in. "Stubborn, aren't we?"

He turned to leave, then hesitated. "Ms. Anand," he said, "have we met before."

She paused, then a hint of confusion played on her face . "Well, I don't think so, Mr. Singhania"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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