Chapter 4: Clubbed Snubbed

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"Kingdoms of Mewni each year we hold this dance to celebrate the peace between us. Welcome to the Silver Bell Ball." said Moon. As Kings and Queens from other Kingdoms were seating down next to each other. With the Princesses and Princes of those Kingdoms seating across from each other. With the Princesses on one side and the Princes on the other. "The rules of the Ball are the same as always. Each air will dance with all the others. Representing the bonds between our Kingdoms.

Then Pony Head floated over to Star so she could whisper to her. "Oh girl. What do you think of the line up this year? Be honest." said Star

"Well for one I already have a boyfriend. And second it's the same people as always." said Star

"Alright that's fine. But check out Prince Larry Kelpbottom. Looks like someone went up to him and hit him with a hottie stick."

"I guess it is nice to see everyone again. Hey Princess Jags."

"Hey." said Princess Jags

"Hi Princess Spiderbite."

"Hello." said Princess Spiderbite

"Oh, look. There's your annoying cousin." said Pony Head

"Yeah! I guess I should say hi. Hi!" said Star. But he didn't answered. "Hi Rock. Hi Rock your cousin. Over here. Rock Johansson! Okay, well he hasn't changed. Well it looks like Rich Pigeon got himself some new legs"

"Oh somebody's missing Star."

"Yep he's always late."

"Well this is were two met."


"Drama!" But Star didn't answer back. "Drama! Drama! Drama! Drama!" Pony head kept going till Star closed her mouth.

"Pony no drama this year. My mom said if I'm good I can go back to school on Earth. As well as hang out there. But I will come back for Princess stuff."

"Oh come on. You're the bomb at shaking up these dusty old traditions girl."

"Not this year."

"Come on!"


"Come on!"


this kept going on for awhile till Tom and he's family arrived. He took he's seat.

"Now will the dancers please stand for the commencement bow." said Manfred. They all stand up and they bow. Star noticed that Tom was bowing in a different direction then he should.

"Did you just see that?" asked Star

"Oh, yes! I think the whole room saw that. Girl your getting clubbed snubbed." said Phony Head

"What's that?"

"Oh it's just the best way to get someone all up in your business. Watch!" Phony Head demonstrated this with Prince Kelpbottom.

Star didn't understand why Pony Head was doing that. Then soon Queen Moon rang a bell. "Let the first dance begin." said Moon

No one moved for a while. The soon Tom got up. As Manfred announced everything that was happening. But Tom choose to dance with Princess Jags.

People were in shock that Tom didn't pick Star to dance with first.

"Oh great he is club snubbing me." said Star

"Yeah. And this is some next-level club snubbing. He want you back." said Pony Head

"Why does Tom always does this. When will he relived I'm not interested." The Star was more mad then jealous and took some deep breaths. Then Tom was done with he's dance. Then Star go up and chose to dance with Ritch Pigeon. The dance continued once everyone had danced with everyone they took a seat with there parents. The only two left to dance was Star and Tom. They both got up and they stood there. Queen Moon started to worry something was going to happen. Then Star walked up to Tom and asked him to dance. Both Star and Tom started to dance with each other.

"Tom I have to ask. Why was you club snubbing me all night?" asked Star as they danced

"What I wasn't club snubbing you. I know you are with Ben. So I thought I would do the right thing and give you some space and let it be your choice." said Tom as they kept dancing.

"Okay. For one giving me space doesn't mean pretending I don't exist that is just rude."

"I was just trying to be nice."

"I understand that but you could at lest acknowledged I was there."

Then they stopped dancing and Tom's started to catch on fire. "Look I don't know how to be nice. At lest I was trying." said Tom in anger as he flew up into the air.

"Oh, great!" Star whispered to herself. Star made a cloud to fly up to Tom's level. "Tom your causing a scene."

"Whatever Star! I was trying to give you what you want."

"What I wanted was to be your friend."


"The reason I broke up with you because I didn't feel a spark anymore. But I still enjoyed the time we had. I even said I hope we can still be friend and I meant it. It's just you kept try to get me back together with that I hated."

"Oh! So if I didn't try that we could have just hanged out?"

"Yes. All I wanted was for you to treat me like a normal person." Then they noticed that there dads were fighting. "Oh great, now there fighting."

They continued to dance this time without the confusion between them. They saw this and stopped fighting. Then stopped soon after and parted as friends.

"This ends the Silver Bell Ball." said Moon

"Well I'm glade we settled that up." said Tom

"Same here. But I do hope my mom doesn't get mad because of that little fight we got into. That way I can still go to Earth so I can hang out with Ben and the other and go to school as well." said Star

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