♠️ Five Of Spades ♠️

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Three days wasn't nearly enough time to recover from a near-death experience and seeing someone killed in front of her.

Clover's journey back to the B&B had been a slow one. Similar to returning home after a drunken night out, the night's events had passed through her mind in a blur, her body carrying her home while her mind wandered elsewhere. Like before, hundreds of bright red lights flashed in the night sky, announcing the deaths of even more of the city's residents. Momentarily, Clover felt sympathy for whoever was on the receiving end of the lasers; not that long ago, she'd been at risk of getting put down by one of them. But another, slightly more concerning, side of her couldn't help but acknowledge the relief that came with knowing she'd escaped such a horrifying fate once more.

After returning home from the game, Clover was troubled when she realised how easily this life had become normal to her. When she came back with Bean and unstrapped her from the buggy, it was like going home after a long day at work. She was exhausted, hungry, and in desperate need of a nice warm bath.

Pushing out what happened that night was unnervingly easy. Maybe when they eventually got back to the real world, it would all hit her full-force and she'd spend the rest of her life on a therapists couch. For the time being, though, she only had enough energy to think about herself and Bean.

So, for the next three days, Clover fell back into the routine she'd built after the Red Riding Hood game. She'd wake up and make breakfast for herself and Bean, then they'd have a nice wash up before getting changed into the day's outfits. Bean would play with one of the many, many toys Clover had picked up in the shopping centre, and Clover would tidy and clean the little apartment. They'd take a nice stroll through the city, wary of anything indoor or outdoor parks on the off chance they decided to run a game in the middle of the day. Although, Clover had found a small park around the corner from where they were living, hardly large enough to even be considered for a game arena. Sometimes, they'd even have a picnic.

In the back of her mind, Clover was well aware of what her brain was trying to do. To keep her safe, or to keep her sane, she was creating a beautiful little bubble in this messed-up world they'd fallen into. A world where it was only herself and Bean, and they could play happy families and pretend she didn't have to join life-or-death games every few days.

Unfortunately, Clover had to pop the bubble after only three days this time.

This time, the arrows took her a little further through the city than she was happy with. Eventually, Clover found herself standing just outside of an apartment complex.

After the Ludo game, in which Clover had learned a lesson in her poor decision of only getting Bean around with the Buggy, she'd had the good sense to pick up a baby carrier from the shopping centre. A purchase she now congratulated herself on making when she saw the number of floors in the apartment.

With Bean firmly strapped to the front of her, Clover now had to deal with her adorable little face staring up at her. It helped raise her spirits, but the last thing she wanted was to get shot for being distracted by a cute kid.

Passing through the barely-visible red curtain that meant certain death, Clover hopped up the steps and into the main lobby. Grateful to find the phone table within plain sight instead of off to the side, she ignored the numerous eyes observing her as she grabbed her chosen phone, and lifted it to see her face.


Clover blew a sigh through her lips, gently stroking a thumb over Bean's hat-covered head. Slowly, she allowed her eyes to lift from the phone, finally taking a look at her fellow players.

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