Horror Training

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Today is the day, when the training begins. Surely Y/N doesn't have much to improve on her quirk(s), but she kind of likes the training, because it reminds her of the timeswhen she trained with All Might and other Pro Heroes. 

A few hours later, after the training, the students have to make their own lunch. Bakugou just starts cooking. Y/N watches in amazement "Wow Bakugou I didn't know that you can cook" "What the hell does that mean?! Do you think I'm not able to mix a few ingredients together?!" "No I'm not saying that, it's just... You don't look like the cooking type of guy" he rolls his eyes and curses a bit, but a tiny blush and smile can be recognized on his face. They finish making their meals and start to eat. 

In the evening after the first day everyone has to attend the test of courage except the ones who failed the semester and have to review some lessons. The students have to draw a name and enter the forest with a partner. Y/N draws Ojiro and they are the 7th pair that will have to enter the forest. All of a sudden, the league of villains appear and black smoke can be seen. Two villains appear and knock down Pixi-Bob. The remainder Students, that haven't went into the forest are also attacked. Y/N quickly defeats the two villains and everyone hears an announcement from Mandalay in their head. She tells the students, that they should go back to the apartments, Midoriya runs off to find Kota, the others run back to the apartments, well except for Y/N. She can't just leave her friends and her job and safe herself, since she still is their secret assigned bodyguard of class 1A. She runs into the forest and search for her class colleagues.

She then finds Uraraka and Tsuyu fighting a blonde villain. Y/N quickly beats her up and saves Uraraka and Tsuyu, the three of them then hear the news about Bakugou. That the Villains want him and that they're allowed to use their quirks. Y/N then runs off, because the other two girls can handle themselves. She contacts Bakugou with the same quirk that Mandalay has and asks him threw Telepathy "Bakugou, where are you?" Bakugou then says "YN?! What the hell, where are you?!" "I'm uh... using Telepathy... Where are you?" "HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW, THERE ARE TREES AROUND ME AND I'M WITH ICY COLD." Y/N then discontinues the conversation and starts running around, a little while later ahe finds Bakugou and Todoroki. Bakugou says "How the hell could you contact me?!" "It's... a long story..." Before Bakugou could say anything more, Midoriya and Fumikage find them. All of them now walk back to the apartments, trying to protect Bakugou. After a while the group of four find Uraraka and Tsuyu, fighting the blonde girl again. Y/N then defeats the crazy girl again and this time for real. Uraraka and Tsuyu talk with the boys and asks them what they went through and where they're heading next. When Midoriya explains that they protect Bakugou, they two girls notice that he isn't with them anymore. 

"And where is Bakugou?" Everyone looks around, trying to spot Bakugou and as they look around, they notice that Fumikage also is missing. Y/N runs off again, trying to get Bakugou and Fumikage back, the others follow her. Y/N goes after Mr. Compress. After some time the students manage to get Fumikage back, but Bakugou is still out of reach. 

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