Doorstep baby

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On a cold December night two weeks before Christmas, Adam heard the doorbell ring. "Great!" he said. "That must be my pizza and hot wings. I'm starving."

He rushed to the door with his wallet in hand, but as he pulled it open, he didn't spot the delivery man with his hot wings, pepperoni, hamburger meat and extra cheese large pizza he had ordered over an hour ago. In fact, there was nobody standing on the freezing steps at all.

"This fucking sucks," he grumbled.


That's when he heard an unhappy gurgling sound. It sounded like a ......

"Is this a Baby?" Adam gasped when he looked down and saw the white haired infant in a basket.

What the fuck was a baby doing on his mansion doorstep?! And more importantly, HOW did it get there and WHO was the baby's mother? ......then again it could be anyone due to the fact everyone in the rich neighborhoods knows of his sleeping around arrangements ever since his divorce of ex wife eve 12 years ago due to her cheating on him.

Adam looked around, but didn't see anyone nearby. The cold streets appeared deserted. There wasn't another person in sight, but someone had dropped off a baby , rang the fucking doorbell and left.

He picked up the basket and carried it inside, looking down at the sleeping albino baby girl. He assumed it had to be a girl because of the color of of the pink blanket wrapped around her. "Whose bitch's kid are you?" he asked the child.

He found a folded sheet of paper tucked into the basket next to the little one who was wrapped up in a blanket. He lifted the paper without disturbing the slumbering baby and read the note.


You're her father and the next time you fuck someone, you better wear a condom!

Adam recoiled as he read the letter, dropping it onto the wood floor. "Father?! I am a father?!" he said a little too loudly. He woke the baby and she began to cry.

"Ohhh no," Adam said when he saw the fussing white haired baby in the basket. She was turning red in the face and waving her tiny cold arms. He panicked as he wasn't sure what he should do. He finished reading the mysterious letter.

He reached down and picked it up to read the last sentence. It said:

By the way, I haven't gave her a name, she's your problem now.

The baby let out a wail. He assumed she was hungry, unhappy, or something. He didn't know what he should do.

"I know. I'll call sera," adam said as he ran toward the phone to call his adopted mother.

He dialed her swiftly. She could barely hear him as he managed to get out, "Mom, I need you. There's a baby....."

"There's a WHAT?"

"A baby! Some whore left her on my doorstep. She's crying and sad... and I don't know how to make her stop crying. Could you come over and bring formula, bottles and diapers or something? PLEASE?" Adam sounded frantic going into a panic attack.

"I'll be right over my son," sera promised.


40 minutes later, sera appeared at the door, but still the damn pizza delivery man hadn't arrived with his hot meal.
Adam was ravenous and apparently the crying baby girl was as well. She was squalling loudly as he held her against his chest and tried to comfort her.

"You're a cute little thing, but you sure are annoying loud," Adam said as he approached the door and opened it for sera.

"Mom, what took you so long?!" Adam demanded. "Can't you see that this baby girl is half-starved and in need of a clean diaper?"

Sera walked in carrying an emergency bag containing some supplies for the baby. "What's wrong with her, my son? And did someone just leave her here.... on your doorstep in the freezing cold."

Adam nodded. "Yeah, whoever her bitch mother was apparently is mad about me knocking her up. That's what the note said," he said begging with a scowl. "We'll talk about that later. Please make her stop crying."

Adam handed the little one to sera. She spoke to the infant in a soothing voice, quieting her almost instantly.

"How'd you do that?" Adam asked, looking at his adopted mother suspiciously.

"I raised you from the streets didn't I," sera said as she lightly kissed the baby's fuzzy white head. "Why don't you be a dear get out a diaper and fix a bottle?"

Adam searched into the bag. "I see a few diapers, but I have no idea how to fix a bottle."

"Well, you better learn."

"No way. I'm not keeping her."

"Son, you need to do the right thing for god sake!"

The baby startled again, this time as sera held her. She lightly rocked the little one in her arms to calm her as Adam said, "Look, Mom. I don't know how to take care of a baby... and this one just showed up at my door without any warning. I was expecting hot wings and a meat lovers pizza."

"But she's so tiny and adorable angel," sera stated.

She handed the baby to Adam carefully so that she could prepare the bottle. Once she had the bottle filled with nourishing formula, she brought it back to him. It was just the perfect temperature.

"You feed her."


"Come on. She's your baby girl."

"Alright," Adam said reluctantly. He placed the nipple against the albino baby's tiny mouth and watched as she began to hungrily devour the formula.

Adam actually smiled. "Hey, she has my appetite."

Sera was beaming as well. "She's looks two weeks old and next thing I know she'll be eating ribs with you."

"I suppose she's better than a hot wings and pizza. She was my special delivery."

Suddenly the doorbell rang again. Adam's hands were full, so sera answered the door. It was the pizza boy with the pepperoni. "Hey, asshole, you're really late, you forgot the box of hot wings, so you don't get a tip!" Adam grumbled. He tossed his cash at the pizza delivery person's way.

After the pizza was purchased and the guy had left in disappointment.
Sera closed the door. Adam gently withdrew the nipple from the baby girl's mouth. "Shouldn't I burp her now or something?"

"Raise her up to your shoulder and gently pat her back." Sera advised him.

Adam carefully placed the baby against his shoulder and did as his adopted mother instructed. A few moments later, the baby let out a loud belch. "Yeah, she's definitely my kid," Adam laughed.

"She's definitely going to be a handful as you were."

Adam looked up at his collection of instruments on the wall and one caught his attention. "Here's an idea! I'm going to call you lute!"

The baby girl giggled in response.


lol just some random au idea that's been laying around

Just a heads up sera is Adam's adopted super religious mother, she one day found him abandoned in the street

Adam does suffer from abandonment issues, so he whores himself to random chicks just to feel loved

Lute's mystery mother will never show up, she's already made it clear that she's not wanting to be a mother

I'm unsure if this will be a one shot, two shot or continue more depending on views, comments and kudos

Cheers everyone for reading this

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