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Adam stepped out of the shower feeling fresh. Lute had been ill with a slight cold for the past three days and he neglected his own needs in his efforts to take care of his 3 year old daughter.

It was sera who pointed out that he "smelled rank". Sera practically shoved her son into his own master bathroom, volunteering to feed lute her breakfast.

After changing into clean clothes, he made his way down to the kitchen to see sera feeding lute some orange mush.

Sera held out a spoon "Come on, sweetie."

Lute turned her head away.

"What? You too good for sweet potatoes, now?"

Lute shook her head "Meh"

Sera rolled her eyes with a smirk "darling... barely 3 years old and you're already a little gremlin"

Walking from behind Adam snorted with a slight frown "I'd appreciate it if you didn't refer to my daughter as a gremlin."

Sera waved her hand dismissively "Ah... she knows I'm joking, right young lady?"

Lute ignored her grandmother. Instead, she opted to stare wide-eyed at her father. "Da!"

As Adam poured a glass of milk and a shot of vodka for himself, he noticed that he was running low on usual ingredients for baby food and lute's favorite snacks.

"Looks like I'm due for a grocery and clothes trip" Adam hummed held out a spoonful of the orange mush. Lute eagerly accepted the spoonful of food and hummed as she ate.

When lute was done eating, Adam cleaned her face and brought her to his room "You and I are going to the store"

Lute's eyes widened and she bounced at the word "store". The toddler loves to go places.
Adam chuckled as he dug through his closet and pulled out his usual weekend outfit. After getting dressed himself, he rummaged through the drawers to find something for lute. In one of the drawers, he noticed a onesie that he's never seen before. He pulled it out and immediately frowned.

The onesie was grey with a cutsie cartoon angel and in black lettering it sad "Daddy's Little angel".


"My son this is Wal-Mart. Aren't they evil corporation."

"Yes mother, but lute needs new things and this is the cheapest place to find them. Unless you want to buy her used clothes?"

"No! Nothing but the best, or the best at the lowest price, for my granddaughter!"

Adam smiled as he knelt in front of the stroller, unstrapping lute and carrying her. He really was a great dad and she wasn't a half bad grandma, either.
Moments of watching sera pick out little pink dresses and tiny shoes made her all warm and fuzzy, and a Adam on the other hand would pick out goth related clothing.

Quickly picking out several things she waited for him to put lute back in the stroller and head off to the checkout line.


If you work at Walmart please put the flaming pitchforks down , I'm just making jokes

Mom! There's a baby on my doorstep!Where stories live. Discover now