Life goes on

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After his adopted mother left, Adam didn't sleep that night.

Currently, he'd face-planted on the coffee table in defeat, ears ringing. His daughter bundled up laying on the sofa like an upside down turtledove, wailing like she had been wronged and not her father. At this point, he wasn't sure why he kept the noisy little adorable thing but he did.

It had been a day since the baby was left on his front door. At first, he had planned to contact social services, tell them that whoever whore left the baby with him got it all wrong. Whether the child was his or not, he was not prepared to be a father.

He never wanted to be a father. His adopted mother was the only decent figure in his life that actually cared.

But then many phone calls later social services had been unreachable, so Adam gave up, took a quick shower and heated his steak dinner. All the while, he had the basket near him, placing it on the table in front of him as he ate. Thankfully, the child fell asleep, so he could do his computer business peacefully.

Then came the difficult part. How was he supposed to sleep? In the end, he decided to leave the baby inside the basket. He did not want to worry about crushing an infant while he slept. Gently, he tucked the basket on the corner of his bed by the wall. Then Adam turned off the lights, slipped under the covers, and finally, finally fell asleep.

He'd woken up one hour later.

The child wouldn't stop crying. She made small whining noises, like a baby bird, and wouldn't let her father go back to sleep. Fuck his damn life.

Resigned, Adam sat up and reached out to lift lute before his tired mind could process his actions. Once he had the little thing tucked against his chest, he froze.

Now what?

Adam had never taken care of an infant in his entire life. He didn't even do well with his toddler sons that he and eve had.

The little thing was still crying, burying her tiny face into his shirt. Trying to recall how people in the fancy family movies do it, he started rocking up and down and made shushing sounds, desperately hoping this would work.

It fucking didn't work.

No matter how long he swayed, the little thing wouldn't go back to sleep.

Maybe lute was hungry again?

Conveniently, the formula his mother brought was already in a bottle that he uncapped and hurriedly fed to the wailing little thing. Like soothing magic, lute stopped crying and began enthusiastically sucking. Peace returned to earth, and Adam sighed in relief. He leaned back against the headboard, carefully adjusting the child lying in one arm.

He looked up at the ceiling with drooping eyes. God, just what crime did he commit in his past life?

Adam didn't know if he drifted off like that, sitting up while feeding a child in his arms. But when he came to, the milk in the bottle was gone and the little girl had gone back to sleep.

After returning the baby in the basket, Adam went back to sleep with a tired groan.

It felt like he had just shut his eyes when the little thing's crying woke him up again.

"Please, god have mercy," Adam muttered. He still got up.


One day later.

How could Adam suddenly turn his life around in a span of twenty-four hours? Like his mother said raising a child was a big responsibility, one he was sure he didn't want to take.

It was ridiculous. There was no way he could raise a child and be the little one's father.

Besides, the little one wouldn't want someone like him as a father, right? He's slept with dozens of fine women for crying out loud.

As if she could hear his thoughts, lute's small fist thumped at his chest. Adam chuckled, lightly poking at the small fist. Adorable.

"You agree with me, hm? You wouldn't want to be my daughter." Adam smiled though it quickly fell.

Lute continued with her poking, lost in his own depressing thoughts. Suddenly, a vice-like clamp wrapped around his finger. Startled, he glanced down.

And made a sound like he was choking.

Wrapped around his pointer finger was lute's tiny fist. Wonder filled him as the little fist kept on clutching his finger. Glancing at the little one's face, he found the baby fast asleep, having held his hand while unconscious.

"What's this? Are you saying you're n-not going to let go?" Something heavy was stuck in Adam's throat. He ignored it.

The little one slept peacefully, still gripping his finger.


The next morning the doorbell rang.

Clutching the sleeping child in his arms, Adam opened the door.

"Sir?" a middle-aged lady greeted with a smile. "We're from the social services. You contacted us about a newborn on your doorstep?" Her gaze flitted to the little one, her eyes lighting up.

The woman's arrival should've made Adam feel relieved.

Everything felt wrong.

Because lute was still holding onto his finger.

Adam remained standing, expressionless. Not a word escaped his lips.


"I apologize." Adam nodded as much as he could with a child—his daughter —in his arms. "I was having a hard time accepting my daughter. Not anymore. I no longer want to turn her over."

The social worker blinked in confusion. "Alright sir , if there is no problem then. Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I am," he said firmly. And if there was more conviction in his words.


That night, Adam arranged all the pillows on his bed around his drowsy child, the basket lying discarded on the floor.

"Sleep now, son.Lute." He smiled, content and finally at peace. "Father's here."

Adam still didn't get much sleep that night, but he had never felt lighter.


I couldn't help falling in love with this story especially baby lute and poor Adam is trying his hardest

Wish we luck on the next chapter

Mom! There's a baby on my doorstep!Where stories live. Discover now