5. scars

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Daryl gently placed Rudy down on the bed before he was pushed aside by Isabella, who was examining Rudy's injuries.

"..can you help him?" Rue questioned as she stood next to Daryl, her eyes fixed on Rudy's unconscious form,

Isabella glanced at her before looking back at Rudy, "his arm is broken, I need to set it back."

She moved to the other side of Rudy, "Zeppelin, hold him down." 10k stood on the other side of Rudy, holding him down by his shoulders, and he looked at Isabella, nodding his head,

"I think you should leave the room for this part." Isabella told Rue, who shook her head,

"No, he didn't leave me, I'm not leaving him." Rue said, and Isabella didn't say anything as a Crack echoed, and Rudy let out a scream, his body choosing to wake up at that exact moment.

His screamed died down as he slipped back into unconscious,

"Rudy?" Rue pushed 10k to the side, her worried eyes focused on his face,

Isabella sent 10k a look, and 10k nodded, "Come on, Rue, we're overcrowding, we should let Isabella work on him."

Rue looked at 10k before she let out a small sighed. She looked back at Rudy, "I'll be back."

Rue let 10k guide her out of the room, and once the door closed behind them, Isabella looked at Daryl,

"Pass me that." She gestured for the tray of medical supplies as she removed Rudy's shirt,

There was a scar on his side, it didn't look old but it also didn't look new, there was another scar on his bellybutton, a line leading down, as if someone did surgery on him.

There were bruises lingering on his body due to being beaten up by Codron and his men,

"..I need to see his back, see if he has any wounds there." Daryl nodded, and helped Isabella turn Rudy on his side,

Isabella pauses as she saw the scars on Rudy's back, some were overlapping each other, they were old scars, most were fading, but many made themselves at home, blending with the skin.

Daryl stared at the scars on Rudy's back, almost similar to his, and he felt angry, wanting to kill whoever did that to Rudy, he felt angry at himself for not protecting Rudy better, maybe he could've prevented it from happening.

"..Michonne said the CRM did many things to Rudy while he was there, but Rudy wouldn't elaborate what," Carol spoke, "if he doesn't have any wounds that need to be attended to, cover him up,"

"He wouldn't want us staring."


10k watched as Laurent played with Rue, and Dog. He wondered if Daryl would leave now, he found Rudy, there was nothing stopping him from leaving,

It wasn't like he cared or anything, it wasn't his problem if Daryl chose to leave, he barely knows the man, who cares if he leaves.

Everyone leaves, and it wouldn't be the first time someone left him behind,

He can handle himself and he didn't need anyone especially Daryl.

Laurent laughter snapped 10ks attention to him, surely he wouldn't care about Daryl leaving but Laurent?

The kid practically worshipped the ground Daryl walked in,

10k let out a sigh before he decided to just ask Daryl, no use beating around the bush.

He left Rue and Laurent playing outside, and went towards the room Rudy was being kept in.

He didn't take long to reach the room as they weren't from it,

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