6. Reunions

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"..is there a hospital or a clinic nearby?" Daryl questioned, tearing his gaze away from Rudy's shivering unconscious form and towards Isabella, who was trying to get Rudy's fever down.

"A clinic, yes, but Codron and his men already took everything." Isabella replied, looking at Daryl,

"..there's a hospital, " 10k spoke as he walked over, glancing down at Rudy for a brief minute before looking at Daryl,

"Codron and his men haven't raided it yet."

Daryl nodded, "Okay, can you show me where it is?"

"Wait, the only reason why Codron and his men haven't raided the hospital yet is because it's surrounded by the dead, Codron lost men trying to get rid of the dead," Isabella told Daryl,

"You'll die before you could even get the medication."

Daryl scoffed, "I don't care, I don't care how many of the dead I have to take, Rudy needs medication or he's gonn' die, and he ain't dyin' not on my watch."

"I'll take you," 10k said with a determined expression, "I know the way, and I know a way inside without going through the dead."

"I'll come with, and don't argue with me on this, you're gonna need all the help you can get." Carol announced as she walked into the room, coming to stand beside Daryl.

Daryl nodded and looked at Isabella, "You take care of 'em for me?"

Isabella nodded, "I will. I will make you a list of the medication he needs."


"..the sewers are our best bet to enter the hospital." 10k told Carol and Daryl as they walked through the city of France,

"You tried to get into the hospital before?" Carol questioned, and 10k glanced at her as he nodded his head,

"Once, it's overcrowding with the dead, inside and out," 10k replied, "the army used the hospitals as refugees, but the people were infected and turned."

"You could go back.."

10k interrupted Carol, "No. Rudy is counting on us. Besides," 10k grinned a little, "who would save you two old people from dying?"

Carol huffed as she watched 10k walk ahead of her and Daryl, "That little brat."

Daryl was silent as he walked beside Carol, and Carol glanced at him, "he'll be okay, he's a tough kid, he'll fight the fever."

Daryl glanced at her, letting out a small sigh, "Just got 'em back, can't lose him again."

"You won't." Carol told him, and Daryl wanted to believe her, but he couldn't let himself.

All three of them paused as distant gunfire was heard, and 10k turned to face Carol and Daryl, "the gunfire is coming from near the hospital. Let's go!"

10k took off before Daryl and Carol could stop him, his boots thumped loudly against the pavement as he ran, his veins full of adrenaline,

As he neared the gunfire, he maneuvered his sniper rifle from his back to his hands, taking the safety off,

It was codron men shooting at something or someone, but 10k couldn't see what they were shooting at,

He rushed to take cover behind a car, using the hood to balance his sniper rifle before taking a deep breath, aiming and pulling the trigger, taking down Codron's men.

"..sniper! They have a sniper!" The men shouted in French, most of them taking cover before 10k could even take them out.

Daryl and Carol appeared beside him, panting, "You're fast." Carol muttered under her breath,

"You're just old," 10k replied, "I took down most of them, but the others hid. They were shooting at someone or something, but i couldn't make out what."

10k pulled out his knife, taking a step back, "cover me." He walked in a hunch position, Daryl was behind him as Carol stayed back to cover them with 10k's rifle.

Behind a grey car, a man hid, and 10k quietly climbed over the hood before violently yet silently thrusting his knife into the man's skull, instantly killing him.

10k hopped off the hood of the car, pulling his knife out of the man's skull as he did so before moving towards another vehicle.

As he was moving, he didn't see the other person coming up beside him, but Daryl did, and he pushed 10k out of the way before delivering a punch to the young man's face, knocking him over.

"..ow." the young man mumbled, and Daryl went to kill him, but a gun was pressed against the back of his head,

"Don't move." A familiar voice from behind him demanded,

"Drop the knife." Another familiar voice rang out, and Daryl's eyes traveled over to 10k, who had his arms raised, his knife clinging as it collided with the ground, a gun pressed against the side of his head.

A man let out a cry as he rushed forward with a knife towards them, but a gunshot to the head stopped him, and Carol appeared,

10k took the opportunity to grab the young man wrist, slamming him against the car, taking his gun, and standing up, aiming it down at him, but as 10k stood up, his right leg was kick, making him stumble, and a knife was pressed against his throat,

"Don't even try it."

"He's with me!" Carol spoke up, a smile on her face, "Hey, Rick, mind not having your gun pointing at Daryl?"

"Shit.. Daryl?" Daryl stood up and turned around, seeing Rick for the first time in years,

Rick smiled before rushing forward, hugging Daryl, who hugged back tightly.

10k stood up, throwing a glare at the two young men as he grabbed his gun and knife back.

Rick and Daryl pulled back from each other, "It's good to see you again."

Daryl nodded, "You had to point a gun to my head?"

Rick chuckled, "My bad, you were going to kill Mitch."

"Speaking of Mitch," the young man, Mitch, spoke in the third person, raising his hand as everyone turned to look at him, "he wants to know where his husband is? Cause last I checked, he ran off with you."

Mitch looked over at Carol, who sighed, "he's safe, but he's sick, and we're on our way to the hospital to get medication."

"Sick? Sick? What do you mean he's sick?what happened? How did it happen?" Mitch questioned, his voice full of worry,

"It's an infection. He was taken hostage by Codron and his men, the ones that were attacking you, "10k gestured to the dead guy, "he escaped, but he was injured."

"We should get goin' we're wastin' time just standing here." Daryl spoke up before he was walking away,

Don't get him wrong. He was happy to see Rick after so many years, but Rudy needed him, and Rudy was his priority at the moment.

"What are his injuries..."


1129 words

Not proofread

(Sorry for the shitty reunion between Rick and Daryl.)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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