Chapter 2 : Everdeen here we come! Part:1

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"Felix? Where are we even going?, we've been walking for hours!" Han complained as Felix took a map out of his bag.

"We're aiming to go... right here!" Felix said he paused in the middle of his sentence to find the spot. Felix pointed to a spot called Everdeen Forest.

"There!?" Han said shocked. "What's the problem?" Felix asked. "That's sooo far away!" Han exclaimed as Felix chuckled. "No silly, we were taking the dragons." Han looked at Felix with a mixture of annoyance and pouty face. "You've had the dragons this whole time!?" Han said even louder now.

"Yes now Sh!" Felix whisper yelled at Hand pouted but listened. Felix made a whistle sound as soon as there was Nyx standing in all her glory. Felix and I hopped on top of Nyx. "So, you might be asking why we're here and we ran away right?" Felix said calmly.

"Well yeah, all you said was we needed to hurry and leave immediately." Han replied in a curious tone. "Yes well look," Felix replied handing Han the book.

After a few moments of silence Felix finally decided to say something. "I know it's shocking i was too.." Han sighed and looked at the sky as they were riding Nyx. "I still can't believe it..." Han replied.

"But what can we do about it?" Han said. "In the book it mentioned 2 scepters right?" Felix said and Han nodded. "Well it says that they're two Scepter of night and Scepter of Light can overpower anything and anyone. However they need 7 gems of different elements or something to fully use it. So in other words, if we find both scepters we can hopefully bring peace and harmony for the citizens of Vivisteria."

"But how do we do that?" Han said. "Well we have to hopefully recruit other royals, I think they have powers or their own scepters, they each have a stone so we have to recruit them and get them to help us take down my father for good, so we are heading to the Everdeen Forest to recruit the healing stone." Felix said as Han hummed and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan but if you don't mind me asking, why don't you have powers?" Han asked almost as if he hesitated. "I dunno, maybe they're born with them?" Felix said. "How far is it?" Han said but no response from Felix just pure silence, it seemed he was in deep thought. "Felix!"

"Wha-what!" Felix says snapping out of his trance. "I asked how long until we reach Everdeen Forest." Han says slightly annoyed. "In like...2 hours." "2 hours!?" Han said almost immediately."Yes is there a problem?" Felix said

"Uhm I don't know Yes!" Han said in a sarcastic tone. "Why?" Felix asked completely clueless. "Felix, were on a dragon it can't go on for that long!" Han exclaimed. "I know." Felix said. Which is why we're gonna start walking, then we're gonna take a break at Crystal Creek to eat." Felix exclaimed as Han nodded taking in all of that.

After about 16 minutes, Nyx stopped at a forest and Han and Felix got off. "Is the Everdeen Forest?" "Nope, not even close, we're at a random forest we're taking a rest for Nyx." Felix said as Han replied with "Ok." And they all sat down while Nyx slept next to Felix. Felix took out a basket.

"Here." Felix said handing Han a cookie and sandwich. "Thank you" han said before his eyes widened "Felix since we fled the palace what about Minho?" Han said in a worried tone. "Actually beforehand I had explained to him my plan and he said we'd meet him at Everdeen." Felix replied and Han sighed in relief.

"Why, are you interested?" Felix said with a smug look on his face. Han playfully punched his arm "sorry sorry just teasing." "Well I kinda do.." Han replied as he fidgeted with his fingers. "Aww that's so wholesome I can't wait for you guys to share your intimate feelings!" Felix said happily. Han simply blushed and bit into his sandwich.

"I'm kinda scared tho I hope Minho's safe tho" Han said as he frowned. "I'm sure he's fine, it's Minho were talking about he'll be safe." Felix replied making circles on his back to calm him down. Han quickly shook his head "he'll be safe I know it." Han replied before he took the last bite of the cookie. "So when are we heading out?" Han asked as Felix and him looked at Nyx, who was peacefuly sleeping.

"I know for sure Not any time soon." Felix said sighing as he put out a sleeping bag and one for han. Both laid in their sleeping bag and soon they're eyes fell heavy.

Alright this is chapter 2 what did you guys think?
I don't have much to say rn but hope you have a good day/night 💗

Lots of love!!

-Sapphire <3

written in the stars |hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now