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Toni's POV

Ari fell asleep crying after her call with Wolf. Her words still ringing in my ears.

"We lost the baby."

Wolf was shocked, unsure of what to say. Loss wasn't an emotion men like us know, especially a heartless one like Wolf.

He was confused with the new emotions and it showed when he said "I'm coming" and hung up.

I look down at Ari patted her hair as she slept.

I hate seeing her like this, it breaks my heart.

Still we need to stay focused and help her not get swayed by our own emotions.

Right now I suspect something went down, especially seeing the colour of her vomit.

She could have been poisoned.

The thought alone makes my blood boil. I'll tear apart anyone who even thought of doing this.

Ari genuinely seemed so happy in her new life because of the baby and now it's been snatched from her.

If someone is behind this, it won't end well for them.

My thoughts were interrupted by my 3 other brothers entering quietly.

"Is she okay?" Romeo whispered and I shook my head.

"When is Kazimir coming, she needs him." Enzo asked.

"He should be boarding his jet soon."

They all nodded.

"How could this have happened suddenly?" Marco questioned as he came to sit beside Ari, and I shrugged.

"We will find out." I promised.

The boys gave me a curious look which i shrugged off. There's no need stressing them out right now.

Ari's our weak spot. We all hurt when she does, especially Marco and Gio. Marco starts sobbing, and Gio doesn't speak to anyone, all he does is work.

I can see Marco is holding back his tears as he watched Ari.

"She looks so weak."

Enzo pats Marco's shoulder to reassure him.

I sigh looking at them.

That's when Ari stirs as she slowly opens her eyes.

She makes eye contact with Marco as tears stream down both their faces.

Marco attacks her in a hug as they both seek comfort in each other.

I get up so Romeo and Enzo can sit around her.

They try their best to comfort each other but I know nothing can help right now.

Only Wolf can-

She needs him.

I leave the room as I head to Gio who was sat in the living room doing work.

"Any news where Wolf is?" I ask him as he rubs his temples.

"He landed." He said and I sighed in relief.



"There's an issue."

Gio seemed worried.

Very worried-

"What's happened?" I asked.

I sat beside him.

"He got shot."

I tensed.

"Nowhere lethal right?"

"Don't know, he's disappeared."

"How can he disappear Gio?" I asked completely confused about what's happening right now.

"He sent all his men to guard this penthouse, and he's been abducted somewhere."


Abducted? That too Wolf?

Someone has the guts.

Never had anyone even dared try this in Wolf.

Still they found a good chance, Wolf was vulnerable.

"Gio what do we tell Ari?"

Gio had his hands in his hair thinking.

"No idea."

We can't lie to make her think that he doesn't care to come, and we can't have her panicking right now either.

We are stuck-

"Whoever is doing this is close, too close." Gio whispered and I nodded.

"We need to find them, but getting Wolf back is more important right now."

"Let's get to work."


Kazimir's POV

I groaned in pain as the gunshot wound on my stomach was being pressed on by a masked man.

"You bitch." I spat.

"You look like the bitch right now." He spoke.

"Says the man with a mask." I chuckled as he punched me again.

I tensed my jaw not showing him any emotion.

I was slowly untyping the rope around my wrists using a small knife which he was completely unaware of.

"Tell me Wolf, how does it feel to lose your unborn child?" He chuckled as I felt anger seep through my veins.

Stay quiet Kazimir, don't show him your pains. Don't show him he's hitting right where it hurts. Don't give him the satisfaction.

"Don't get too upset your wife will be next, then I'll let you rot to death here alone."

"Actually, I'll make your wife suffer a bit more first. I'll kill all her brothers. Losing a kid isn't enough."

I slammed my head into his catching him off guard as I finally untied my hand from the rope as I punched the guy.

He fell back as I continued to punch him.

I took off his mask as he struggled.

A pair of brown eyes met mine.

Who's he?

I've never seen him before.

He chuckled. "You think I'm the boss? Well you're wrong. You can kill me, it won't make a difference."

Won't make a difference?

"What are you talking about?" I hissed at him.

"Your wife is dead." He chuckled.

That laugh-

It was taunting me.

She better not be dead

He better not be right.

I slammed his head into the wall harshly, as I heard the loud crack of his head.

I took the gun from the waistband of his jeans, slowly opening the door.

I tried not to make his words phase me, he was lying.

He had to be.

Every man I had was stationed around the penthouse, she couldn't have been killed.

She can't-

I was brought out my thoughts by a loud gunshot ringing in my ears.

I feel pain shoot in my body, as I register what's just happened.

I got shot-

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