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Monday morning came too quickly. I did not even got time to call saniya.I jolted out of bed, realizing I was running late. The professor was assigning new work today-I couldn't afford to miss it.

I rushed through my morning routine, showering and throwing on the first clothes I could find. As I brushed my hair and hurried downstairs, a familiar voice stopped me.

"Jeia, where are you rushing off to? Come have breakfast first," grandma called out.

"Sorry, Dadi, I'm already late. Plus, the buses are always delayed," I said, trying to dash out the door.

"Don't worry," she said. "Aarav is going to the same place. He can take you on his bike. Just come and eat something first."

Aarav looked at Grandma in disbelief. "My bike has done nothing wrong to deserve this," he muttered.

"Excuse me! As if I'm interested in riding your khatara(rusty old) bike," I shot back.

"Oye chipkali"(Hey, lizard) That's not just any bike. It's a BMW S 1000 RR, worth more than you can imagine," Aarav retorted.

Grandma tugged his ear, making him yelp. "Ouch, Dadi! Ahh-" he whined.

Author pov

"Dadi, leave my ear, you'll sever it!" he said in pain.

"Tell me you'll take her with you," his grandma demanded.

"Okay, fine, Dadi," Aarav said.

When his grandma released his ear, he quickly ran away and said, "Sorry, Dadi, I won't."

Jeia watched, knowing Aarav wouldn't agree.

As she was about to leave, Grandma looked at Vihaan and mouthed, "Please." Vihaan sighed in response

"Wait," Vihaan said. "I'll drop you." He added

"No, that's fine-" Jeia began to protest.

But Vihaan cut her off, his tone sharp. "I said I'll drop you."

"Okay," she said, sitting down for breakfast.

Afterward, Vihaan headed to his car. Jeia followed.

They got in the back seat, and the driver started the car.

"Uncle, play some music," Jeia said to the driver.

He smiled, nodded and reached for the car's stereo and began fiddling with the controls.

"Yes, this one," Jeia exclaimed. The volume was high, and the music was loud and energetic, exactly how Jeia liked it.

Vihaan, however, was not as pleased. Sitting beside Jeia, he could feel his irritation building. The music was too loud for his taste, and the constant thumping of the bass made his head throb. He tried to focus on his work, but the noise was overwhelming.

"Enough," Vihaan said, his voice cutting through the air with a sharp edge. He gestured to the driver, his irritation clear. "Turn off the music."

Jeia glanced at Vihaan, who was busy in his file , his jaw clenched. She could see the frustration etched on his face, and the tension in the air made her uneasy.

Trying to think of a way to lighten the mood, she decided to strike up a conversation."Waise (by the way),Mr. Singhania how was your Sunday?" she asked, trying to engage him.

But he remained focused on the file in his hand, ignoring her question.
Jeia muttered "Hitler" under her breath.Vihaan, previously absorbed in the file, couldn't help but overhear her remark.


"Aapko bolna nahi aata kya," ("Don't you know how to speak?") jeia taunted him

Vihaan, finally tearing his gaze away from the file, fixed her with a piercing glare. "Aur tumhe chup rehna nahi sikhaya kisine,"("And hasn't anyone taught you how to keep quiet?")he retorted sharply.

(A/n:- I can't with her)

She just glared at him before turning her attention to the passing scenery outside.
As they arrived at her college, Jeia opened the door and exited without another word

As she walked towards the campus, Jeia couldn't help but mutter to herself,"God ek Bhai itna boring hai dusra Bhai utna hi irritating hai".
("God, one brother is so boring and the other brother is just as irritating.")

Having said that she went on to find saniya,her mind bursting with the need to unload everything that had happened since she left the PG.With each step, the urgency grew,as she anticipated ready to yap away her frustrations with her friend.

To be continued

Second hand embarrassment as jeia got ignored 💀

Second hand embarrassment as jeia got ignored 💀

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