unlucky cale :(

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cale opens his eyes slowly, closing them again as the shiny light and gold hit his eyes

cale tries moving uncomfortable when he feels a heavy hand rap around him 'huh?' cale thought to himself confused 

suddenly his commander senses and slacker life senses go off at the same time making cale freeze and remember what happened last night 

cale slowly turn his head meeting with a familiar scary face

cale slowly starts to get up trying to save himself, hoping that this doesn't mess up the plot or his hoping that at least he is able to keep his slacker life

suddenly he starts to feel heavy and sleepy black smoke surrounding his vision before blacking out 

cale opens his eyes 

he was in a dark room; he was laying down on a couch, he suddenly gets annoyed and a headache coming

"Ahem..." someone coughs

cale sits up meeting eyes with a lightly black man with white hair and eyes black as the abbess coughs

"What?" cale says annoyed

"welll" the god of death hesitates 

cale sighs

"don't get mad" he says looking away from cale

cale sighs 'what did you do now?" he says irritated

"Well i wanted to help you finish this quickly" he says 

"and" cale says confused

"Ahem... I may have Tried bringing choi han but something happened causing the two universes to merge. I tried fixing everything but now, their apart of universe but like um... and i don't know what to do this is my first time this happen...also their habits may still b-be the same but a little worse" he says creating a glass wall Infront of him incase cale tries to attack him

instead, Cale stares at him mad and dumb founded on how a god makes such a stupid mistake

"Your lying" cale says annoyed "nu-huh" the god of death says 

cale would have leaped and attacked him but there was a glass wall so he couldn't

"You-you son of a bitch!" cale say cursing at the god of death, he glares at him making him flinch

"y-you! fucking!!when i find cage, I'm going to ask her to curse you for a whole month, you crazy bastard!" he says clenching his fist "this mission was supposed to be easy!!!!" he says sighing as he leans against the couch exhausted

"Ahem bye, bye" he says quietly as a mouse scared of getting his favorite child madder than he is

cale starts to feel heavy and tired he closes his eyes sighing 

he slowly gains conscious he was about to open his eyes when he heard a familiar voice cursing at someone  

he slowly opens his eyes the gold and light hitting his eyes he groans as he gets up, he hears a book closing making him flinch

"Cale!" a woman says mad and annoyed, cale slowly looks at the person who screamed his name out 

his eyes widen as he sees Samantha Furios as Laney looks guilty trembles behind her

"Who are you to scream at the emperor and speak the name of the first prince so casually" he says

cale was about to move but he suddenly felt a yank pulling him closer to someone's embrace

"Felix escort them out NOW" he says pissed off

Felix drags the servants out as they fuss about Claude stealing their cale away

cale just stares, dumb founded on what happened

"Tch, those pesky rats are annoying" he says looking down at the confused cale 

"How do you deal with them" he says annoyed "there usually nice and calm" he says

"Nice? calm?" he scoffs he stands up picking cale up

"Your still so light?" he says irritated

'We just meet last night of course I'm still light??"

he hears Claude hum

knock knock

"Your majesty may i come in" a female voice spoke after she stopped knocking

"No ill dress myself today" he says "call Athy for breakfast "

he places cale back on the bed

'Why does he keep picking me up? I'm not a doll?' cale thought annoyed

cale sighs bored he looks at the book Claude was reading until he woke up

he grabs it opening it Claude grabs the book "your too young to read this" he says

'Technically l i could, and I've seen this multiple times in his highness room I've even helped him on some of them, when he paid me of course'

"Why their just budgets?" he said

Claude ignored him picking him up 'why do you keep picking me up??' cale thought annoyed

cale sighed getting more comfortable 'Samantha is going to yell at me for sure' he thought

Claude takes cale to the dining table as the maids are done preparing

the maids let out a small gasp when they see the both of them Claude looks Handsome as always and cale looked like an angel that came down from heaven

they were also surprised that he was carrying cale they only saw Claude as a tyrant, so they were shocked

Claude looked at them coldly as they looked at cale as he was a painting

they flinched when they saw Claude looking at them

cale was confused why they suddenly got scared but he didn't care really

Claude placed cale down on the chair that was next to him, he sat down looking at the son who was annoyed

the door opened there was a man with light red hair and a cute child with jewel blue eyes and gold hair

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