Chap 3:New room

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Taekjoo(?) Now spoke up "Very well, nice to meet you Taekjoo' and Zhenya hope we can get along" he said with a smile on his lips

As soon as Taekjoo(?) Said that Zhenya(?)Who is watching quietly is now smiling his lips with a soft look on his handsome face, Taekjoo Got taken back by the reaction Zhenya(?) just Showed, He quickly said"Ah, yes Nice to meet you to.."He linger a bit and continue"I hope you keep your Promise."Taekjoo said with straight face towards the two person infront of him

Taekjoo(?)Who hears it Said"Haha, of Course  Im not someone who back down from what i Promise"He said With a gentle eyes Directly Towards Taekjoo

Zhenya Who is watching this Interaction Place an Amused face while watching them, and quickly Looked Towards Zhenya(?)Who is now Lost in thought, And he probably Notice the Gaze that was placed on him, So he Turn his eyes in a Slow movement towards Zhenya who didnt quite expect it, he Place a cold smile on his face, The other one do the same thing as the opposite person do

Taekjoo(?) Is now Trying to make the Current Situation lighter, by Snaping his finger together so the two person who is glaring at each other looks like an animal who would jump on each other throat Looking at Taekjoo(?), And it worked, Taekjoo Who is watching this, is amused by the other person action to make their gaze towards him

Taekjoo(?) Said"Alright everyone Please focus on me Especially you Zhenya."He said with the last words come out with a sigh, Zhenya now is speaking up"Haha...Of course we are just..Trying to communicate.."He said with a cold voice

Taekjoo Said now with a serious tone"Now we have fullfil our part why dont you fullfil yours?"He said while giving a judgemental face, Zhenya who is hearing this Nod his head up and down agreeing what Taekjoo just said

Tarkjoo(?) Hearing this, Let out a low sigh while glancing at Zhenya(?) on his side, Zhenya(?) Seeing this just Shrugged his shoulder and place his arm over his other hand,Taekjoo(?) Said"Ok ok We will explain it why dont you guys take a seat first, i think there is another door here..."He trailed off for a bit looking at a different direction

Taekjoo answer with smile on his face"You are right, it might get a bit tiring standing up all day, while waiting till we can get out of here"He said with a friendly tone, while stealing a glance at Zhenya, Who just nod his head leisurely meaning he agreed

Zhenya(?) Who have been quiet this whole time suddenly spoke up"Why dont we go ahead? theres a door there"Zhenya(?) Said with a calm voice while pointing his chin at the direction he point

All Four of them now heading to the door Zhenya previously have pointed with his chin,It was Taekjoo(?) Who took the handle of the door trying to open the door infront of them, He got a bit Confused Seeing That it wont open And Awkwardly Turn his head

"So uh..."He trailed of his word for a bit and continue"It looks we need key to open this door it seems"He said while his hand got off from Grabbing the handle door

Taekjoo face Scrunched up in Annoyance hearing the word that The person infront of him said, He quietly walk away to search for the key in the room

Zhenya Seeing this just Shrugged his shoulder and Follow behind Taekjoo to watch what he was doing

Zhenya(?) Seeing this, Look towards Taekjoo(?) And approach him with a slow and leisurely walk taking his time to arrived at the other person, Now standing infront of Taekjoo(?) His mouth now pulled up to form a smirk while seeing his Lover face is Exhausted from all this event He quietly Whispered in his ear"Well My Zainka It looks like You Forget something"He whispered while A low Chuckle could be heard

Taekjoo(?) Hearing this quickly said"Ugh..You bastard what did i even forget? This is all according what that woman said, Ugh..Stupid person and his magic to lock us here" Takejoo(?) Said while grumbling Which Zhenya(?) Thinks it looks cute, He Chuckle for a moment seeing his Lover upset Face, and then reached out to his pocket, Taekjoo(?) seeing this, look at Zhenya(?), and the hand that was rumaging his trouser pocket Taekjoo(?) Raised his other eyebrow For a moment, While slowly the white hand that was previously rumaging the pocket is now out with a Small key dangling on the finger that was holding it, Taekjoo(?)Stared in shock seeing the scene before him he quickly said"YOU DAMN BASTARD WHY DIDNT YOI TELL US EARLIER"Taekjoo(?) Shout with a Frustated Voice

The other who is Checking here and There turn their attention toward Taekjoo(?) Shouting Voice and calmly walked towards the two person

Zhenya(?) Hearing that quickly defend his self saying"Not my fault you cleary didnt took the initiative to ask anyone on the first time"He said with a calm voice, Taekjoo(?) Hearing this quickly brought his hand to rubbed his temple that was having line between the nose and the eyes

The two person who is hearing this quickly glanced at each other, Taekjoo now ask"So did you got the key kr something?" Hearing this Zhenya(?) Hand him the key that he have while saying "Open the door i will try to calm down my partner for a minute you two go ahead first" He said with a cold voice, staring at both Taekjoo and Zhenya at the same time, Hearing this Taekjoo Quickly took the key and hovered it over the hole on the door handle and open the door to find a Spacious Room with a goodlooking Chandelier hovering at the top ceiling, a Luxurious Couch faced on each other the design was so pretty it looks like it was carve by a incredible talented hand, And there was a curved Stairways to the second floor where it has Two doors on opposite side, Taekjoo Still staring quickly got brought to reality hearing Zhenya(?) Voice telling them to go sit first and maybe looking around as he still trying to calm his partner anger, Looking at that Taekjoo and Zhenya walk inside making their ways towards the Couch to sit, Taekjoo sighed as he can finaly sit since hes been standing a bit too long, Seeing this Zhenya Smirked

With Zhenya(?) And Taekjoo(?)

Now they are alone in the room, Zhenya(?) quickly raised both his hand to catch taekjoo Cheek and pulled them closer to put their lips together, Taekjoo(?) Got startled for a bit, And quickly and Slowly Return the kiss Zhenya just done,"Um....agh...hmmph...haa"Taekjoo(?) Quietly Moaned and panted between their overlapping lips, Hearing this Zhenya(?) Smiled between the kiss they had


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