Chapter 1 Farewells and goodbyes

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Sol's been keeping himself busy, after what happened between him and his mother, it mentality took a lot out of him, Sol decided to go back to therapy twice a week again, but after the instant with the disney movie with Sage, Sol was snuggled on the sofa with Sage watching Brave when he Brock down in tears, saying in ageing
"I'm a horrible child, no wonder she hit me, I'm worthless"
Keller trys carming his but he's in hestrecks, so he hit the back of his neak rendering him unconscious, putting him in the car, grabbing his two other boys and husband, disappeared for camping, where Sol disappeared last time. A 5 day, unplanned trip of bonding and yelling at the unnerve, of crying, of openly saying what's on your mind with no judgement. Sol's come to terms that it's ok to hate and even won't someone dead, that has mently and feasibly brocken you, your just human at that point. They had a magical time together, but had to return to salvation at some point, Sol was relieved to fine that many didn't ask about his mother and the ones that did, understand why he leaves comments about her broad and no one seen Sol in any ill light after admitting that he wouldn't save her, many wouldn't. A day after coming back Sol's ask to come to Hero Corp with a parent, Keller leave no room for arguments, he will take Sol. As they enter Lee Fitzgerald office and take there sits Fitzgerald starts talking
"Hello Sol Jackson, I regret to inform you, but your mother yesterday died in a prison rioit"
Sol node's saying softly
"Yes it is regretful that our prisoner system is so lacking that a prisoner die, I hope you informed there family"
Fitzgerald looks at Sol for a moment before saying
"That's why you are here Jackson"
Sol huffing out
"Sol and if you didn't catch it, she never wonted me and I wonted her dead"
Sage's cold voice clarified
"No trouble, you told her her worth, wich is less then a bug"
Shrugging at the end, Sol grunts saying
"Please papa, given surrounds and conditions, she would only have a less then 1% chance of survival because of me, facts"
Sol then turns his attention back to Fitzgerald asking
"Do you know why the prisoners actor?"
Fitzgerald node's saying
"Yes, they would not share confiments with someone classed lower then a crockcroch, especially when that critcher abuse Sol Jackson, they refuse to be sorry"
Sol closed his eyes taking a deep breath as Keller asks softly
"Sol you good?"
Sol open his eyes, nods then asks Fitzgerald
"The prisoner's responsible, may I ask what are you doing with them?"
"At present isolated confided, but there both villains, there sentences were already life, so we're looking at the death sentence"
Sol saying without emotion
"No, not necessary, make sure they know there are other resolutions, but no punishment are required, just tell them that they can be better"
Fitzgerald huffing a laugh saying
"Your an unusual complicated Sol Jackson, but I will do as asked, please look after yourself a little more"
Sol smirks, saying
"I'll try, but I don't sit still well"
Keller stands saying flatly
"He's like a hound dog, stiff trouble from a mile away, thanks Fitzgerald, trouble"
Sol giggles saying
"Yah, thank you Fitzgerald have a good day"
As they left the building Keller gently grabing his chine asking
"No bullshit, you good?"
Sol hmms saying
"Course and reation, you said that, I'm human for not wanting that in my like. I came to terms with that, so this, it's like finding out the guy down the road die, sad yes, but I didn't know him well enough to mourn there death, simple papa"
Sol's breath catches as he's pulled into Keller's chest in a bone crushing hug, after a moment Keller saying proudly
"Your a remarkable person my beautiful son, remember that always"
Sol hugs back saying softly
"It may of taken 3 man to raise me, but I'm getting there papa"
When they got home Sol knows that people would won't to know about his mother's death, he made the choice to be in the public, and need to be responsible, you can't say your honest then pick what your honest about. Whith that in mind he released a popular photo of his mother in her mode days with a song he wrote.
(Forget to begin, The Hampden)
And left the rest to news, media and rhumas to fill in the rest that he just didn't have words for.

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