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Lucifer's POV

I stroll into Angel's, a quaint diner with a cozy ambiance. I make my way towards a booth with my friends hot on my tail. After looking over the menu a few minutes a waitress walks up to us. "What can I get you gentlemen to drink?" She says smiling wildly at us showing off her sharpened teeth. My tongue subconsciously runs over my own teeth checking if they are becoming pointy... of course not idiot! You just got tested! Are you dumb? I mean it not like being labeled a pet came as much of a surprise to me. I have been having weird things occurring to my body and brain. Like if I'm in a meeting with important people and I get threatened instead of being a mafia don and being a badass I feel my self shrink inside myself like I'm.... Scared. I find myself wanting to sleep on the floor in a little, I guess you'd say nest. It feels safe there like no one can hurt me. I've even found myself growling at people when they get too close to my stuff, and not the sexy in the bedroom growl. No. Like full on bare my teeth and growl. I have never been a territorial person and yet I find myself not wanting to let anyone touch my stuff! It's mine! I shouldn't have to share! If they want it they can go — I'm brought out of thoughts by the waitresses voice. "Sir?" She says attempting to gain my attention. "Huh? Oh sorry, yea get me sweet tea." I watch her jot down my drink order and I notice her sharpened nails, almost claw like. "Your drinks will be right out" she says as she saunters off to the other table to take their order.

A few minutes pass and we all sit at the table talking when a scream breaks through the diner and causes everyone to be silent. The same sweet waitress that took our drink order is not being held by a disgusting excuse of a man with her wrist turned in a painful manor. "Pets are useless anyways" The minute those words left his mouth I was moving across the room, I didn't even hear the rest of what he says before my fist lands on his jaw knocking the price of shit put with one punch. Pussy, I think to myself. I'm not sure what set me off worse, the fact he was hurting an innocent girl or the fact he insulted pets.... we're not useless.... right? As my thoughts wonder I finally notice the gorgeous woman standing in front of me. She's around 5'5" - 5'6" with curly hair thrown up in a messy bun wearing a simply jeans and tshirt but I can't help how my dick instantly hardens under her gaze. I want to drop to my knees right now and she inspected every inch of me. Her dominating aura is suffocating but in a good way, like the "I'm a teddy bear to you but will kick someone else's ass" kind of way. My eyes naturally downcast and I can't tell you why, something about this woman makes me WANT to be a pet... her pet... what the fuck am I saying?!? I'm a fucking mafia don! I'm not some chick's pet. I will never be a fucking pet.

We both stand there for some time and I notice her eyes lingering on my jacket, oh fuck! The folder. She can't see! So I do the only thing I can "HEY LADY!" I yell waving my hand in her face like a prick. Fury blazes in her eyes and that looks makes me weak in the knees, fuck stop this! Just fight it for 2 year then get retested. You can do this. Focus. "Cmon doll I know I'm hot but focus here." I say cockily before snickering to my friends I just realized had appeared. She rolls her eyes before stating in a cold yet sexy voice "I'll pass asshole. Thanks for the help with her. Meal is on the house. I have some things to attend to I hope you enjoy your time at Angel's." She snipped before sauntering back to her office. I watched as she left, not staring at her ass just looking at this woman who just the mafia don an asshole and I'm not even mad. It made her sexy. I want her. I will have her. She will be my Donna as a submissive of course. Because I. Am. Not. A. Pet.

Author's Note:
Hey babes! Thanks for reading sorry it took so long but I'm back so let me know what yall think!

Published: July 2, 2024

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