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"I see we all didn't make it today, again." A man in his late thirties leaned against a metal wall as he gazed at the three individuals gathered around him. Disappointment laced in his tone as he looked towards the open, metal doors for a few moments. Rolling his eyes afterwards and shaking his head; his gaze turning stern as he pushed himself off the wall using the back of his shoulder, glancing back at the wall he was once leaning on before pressing a button hiding within the metal wall.

As a clicking noise was heard, the wall lit up with a translucent, blue glow. A holographic spectacle that looked to be a map flared to life. The older male turned to face the others in the room as he stepped to the side so they could get a better view.

"Alright, I suppose we'll get started without hi-."

"I'm here." A young teen had stepped in abruptly, holding an annoyed tone as his face and most of his clothes were stained in red.

"What happened to you!?" His apparent teammates sounded more irritated than he looked currently. The younger male blinked twice as he glanced over at them, shrugging as if it were nothing. "I took another mission while the lot of you were doing nothing." The straightforward tone of the teens voice showed just how uncaring he truly was, even when speaking to those above him.

The teens expression went unchanging as a female with long dark purple hair and pink streaks pointed an accusing finger at him. Her face contorted into that of sheer aggravation as she quickly stood up, the metal chair she was sitting on screeching back from the amount of force she used. "Nothing!?- You little shit I outta-"

"Okay.. okay! Enough, Clara!" The older man had stepped forward from the quick outbreak, slamming his hands against the table rather harshly as a sharp inhale followed. After they had settled down, he set his hands towards his head, lightly rubbing his ears from the pitched shrills he had to endure from her. "You all know his role here is more important, I personally sent him out on business."

"'On business'... much like Inue or even Shikidai could do?" Clara continued on with the arguing, her voice being much more pitched before she went to grab the chair by its top rail, forcing it close once more before placing herself back down on it. Letting out a snobby scoff as she pointed at the only similar-looking pair in the room. "They're more than capable of doing just the same and-."

"Would you hush, Clara?" The blood-stained male intervened, taking a spot away from the rest as he pulled up a chair, eyes cutting through the pink-haired girl. "I can't help that my role as a Key is more important than any mercenary, assassin... or low-life thief." Speaking of the titles in such a way caused Clara to scoff, giving him a look all the same as her eyes narrowed in a more angled direction, showing just how annoyed she truly was.

With a sigh, the older male went to slam a hand down on the metal table in the room once again, cutting his own eyes at the group as he inhaled a bit sharply. "Enough. I'm not dealing with any arguing during this meeting, or would you rather take that up with the elders?" He said slowly, a low, snake-like hiss flowing through his tone. The look in his eyes was menacing enough, but the talk of going to the elders seemed to be a fate worse than death.

By Clara's moodswing changing from that of anger to dread, she piped down. Folding her arms as she shifted her body, leaning back against the chair while kicking up one leg over another in a criss cross position.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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