Chapter 3

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As Levona's uncles talked about the new demon, Xakan, Levona couldn't help but overhear the conversation with curiosity. Angroz noticed this. He couldn't help but chuckle at his niece's curiosity. "Come here Levona." he said, holding out his hand.

Levona walked to Angroz, taking his hand. Angroz pulled her to sit on his lap, just as he used to do when she was a child.

"I bet you're curious what your uncles and I are talking about." he said with a grin.

"Yeah, I mean you guys are acting very secret like, what's the big secret? Please tell me." Levona begged.

Orrith and Drozun looked at her, chuckling at her begging and pleading.

"Promise to not say anything to your brothers?" Orrith asked her.

"I promise." Levona said.

"So, recently we've received word from the lower demons at the entrance of Hell that a new demon, who goes by the name of Xakan, is in Hell for homicide, murder and terrorism. Almost as worst as your father, Kai. Only difference is your father came to Hell for genocide against many people in the mortal government. Xakan terrorized at least six different countries, including North America." Drozun explained.

Levona's eyes grew wide from the information about the new demon, that's supposedly just as worse as her father. She was interested in this.

"So, for what he's done, he's like what, a middle class demon?" Levona asked.

"Possibly middle class or upper class. Kinda depends on how your mother and father deem to rank him from his crimes." Angroz said with a shrug.

Levona pouted at that, she wanted to know what this new demon's rank was. If demons are upper rank, they're allowed to hangout with the royal family. If they're middle rank, they are allowed to speak to the royal family but cannot hang out. But if they're lower rank, they are treated as dirt. So it's safe to say that Levona was indeed very curious about this new demon.

I walked out of my uncles room and headed to my room, passing by the windows that give a view over of Hell. I stopped at one of the windows, looking out at the city. My brothers Blade and Xalviz were hanging out with their friends, a few of the upper rank demons before seeing my parents outside. I opened the window and flew down to my parents, landing beside my mother.

"Hello mother, hello father."

"So nice of you to join us Levona. We were just about to welcome the new demon, Xakan. Would you like to meet him?" Nadine asked Levona.

Levona smiled eagerly, nodding her head up and down excitedly. "Yes I would please!"

Kai couldn't resist chuckling at his excited daughter. "Alright, calm down."

Levona giggled, calming down before walking with her parents away from the castle, meeting up with her brothers and their friends to the gates of hell to welcome Xakan. Once at the gates, Kai and Nadine stood before Xakan.

"What were you sent to Hell for boy?" Kai asked him.

"Homicide, murder and terrorism. I terrorized many countries and killed several government parties." Xakan said with a twisted grin.

Kai chuckled at this. "A true criminal. I came here for genocide." Kai said with a smirk.

"And now my husband rules Hell with me. I am Nadine. These are our children, Blade, Xalviz and Levona."

Levona and her brothers bowed their heads to Xakan who returned the gesture. Levona was excited to hear her father's verdict of Xakan's rank in Hell. "By the powers vested by my wife and I, we grant you the rank as an upper class demon Xakan."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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