Chapte 3

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Night turned to day in the forest. Royd woke Ossi up, leading the young girl to the kitchen to fix her some breakfast. Aelfdene was already awake, sitting at the table. When she saw Ossi awake, she smiled at her. "How did you sleep?" she asked her.

"I slept well, thank you for letting me sleep here Lady Aelfdene." Ossi said as she bowed her head in respect.

Aelfdene smiled at the gesture before waving her head. "Please, you don't have to bow. And call me Aelfdene, please. After all, I will be needing your help finding my friends so we can stop Egil." Aelfdene told Ossi.

Ossi looked up at her with wide eyes. Aelfdene wanted her to join her to help find the other gods and goddesses? "You want me to journey with you to help find the others?" she asked.

Aelfdene nodded her head with a smile. "Yes, I feel you will be a good companion to travel with and this way I can keep you safe against Egil. He might be looking for you."

Ossi grew scared at the mention of the god Egil. She ran to Aelfdene and clutched onto her leg. Aelfdene patted her on the head, rubbing her head to calm her down before she knelt down to her level. "I promise I will not let anything happen to you, on my honor as Aelfdene, Goddess of Earth."

Ossi nodded her head. Aelfdene smiled softly at her once more before she wiped the tears off of Ossi's face. She then picked her up and helped her into her chair as Royd gave her a plate of oats and berries. "Eat up, you'll need your strength. I'll pack a travel bag for you both on your journey." Royd said as he walked out of the kitchen to pack bags for the two.

Ossi ate her breakfast before glancing at Aelfdene. "Who are we looking for first?" She asked.

"Hrolf, Leader of the wolves. He lives here in the forest, I'm just not sure where. But it shouldn't be hard to find him. From there we'll travel all over Rúnland to find the others. Are you ready to help me find the others?"

Ossi looked at Aelfdene and nodded her head, filled with determination to help Aelfdene find her friends to stop Egil from destroying their world. "Yes, I'm ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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