about the Joans 🙂

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-The Joans contain Annika, Mimi, and Zack

-There all siblings. Zack is 26 and is also the oldest brother of both Annika and Mimi

-Annika is 20 years old and is the second oldest

-Mimi is 15 and still goes to high school and she's the youngest sibling

-There mom was born in Mexico and raised in Mexico until she turned 18 and then met there dad in Texas and then they soon got married and had there 3 kids

-there dad was born in America but knows Spanish because Annika's mom doesn't speak good english

-The girls first moved in with Zack once he turned 18

-there parents are no longer together because there mom committed suicide and there dad was in prison for drunk driving

-Zack has been in new York for his whole high school year because he moved in with a friend.

-Annika was in a band before The Scarletts. It was an all girls band called The Riott but she never really liked it because it was mostly narcissistic guys

-Mimi is the quiet one out of her older siblings

-Zack has gone to jail before when he was 16 for possession of illegal drugs

-Mimi is the only one out if her older siblings that doesn't do drugs

-Zack was the reason why Annika started playing the guitar

-Mimi doesn't play any instrument but Annika wants to teach her how to play a guitar

-Zack is the reason why they all like rock and metal

-Annika was always the responsible one ever since there mom was out of the picture

-They like to make fun of each other but if someone else does it they immediately get pissed off, especially Zack

-Zack is a big Elvis Presley fan (also Annika)

-Annika likes to annoy her siblings with her guitar in the middle of the night which soon gets her guitars taken by Zack

-Zack is secretly protective with his little sisters

-Mimi likes to steal Annikas rings and makeup

-Annika likes to steal Zack's leather jackets because he owns so many and never wears them because he never goes out.

-when they first found Jimi they thought he was a normal cat because he looked like a normal adult male (he was a baby when they met him and they thought he was a grown cat because of how big he was)

-Zack likes to annoy Jimi but secretly has a weak spot for him

-Jimi loves to scare new guests

-Mimi likes to go on the roof of the house at night and read, she sometimes goes with Jimi

-They had another cat but they gave it away to there cousins

-Jimi has his own seat in the table when there all eating

-They three LOVE scary stuff but mostly Mimi

-Zack likes to jokingly wrestle them

-Zack sings in the shower like a maniac which soon gets him made fun of by Annika and Mimi

-Zack was in the Navy for 7 years but still sometimes gets calls from them

I hope you like them 😁


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