Chapter 14

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"Clarissa! Please join us!"

The king wears the most welcoming smile I've ever seen. And even though I really shouldn't, I feel safe here. A lot safer than I've ever felt.

I approach the long table slowly, uncertain where to sit. I don't know etiquette, much less royal etiquette.

Sparing me from looking like a complete idiot, the king gets up, and holds a seat out for me. He sits me right beside his own seat.

Across from me, Skye smiles warmly. I return a smile, dropping my gaze quickly. I still don't know what's going on here. Why am I here? What interest do a king and queen have with me?

"I wanted to say thank you," I whisper, still not meeting either pair of eyes. It doesn't help that I'm so damned attracted to the king either.

"You don't need to thank us, Clarissa," Skye says.

"You can call me Claire, Your Majesty."

Across the table, Skye reaches out and squeezes my hand gently. I look up quickly, a little uncertain. Everyone – save Dominic – is so nice here! I don't trust it.

"And you can call me Skye."

"You're like family to us, Claire. So I do hope you're comfortable," the king adds.

Like family?

Could he be my father?

"What do you mean?" I turn my gaze on him and I'm immediately mesmerised by his grey eyes.


"It's somewhat complicated, I won't lie," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I've got time."

He casts a tender look at Skye and the both of them smile at each other. It feels like I'm intruding on a very private moment. I can just feel how in love the two of them are.

Shame! He really is a total babe, though he is a touch too old.

"We promise to explain everything," Skye says, finally turning to look at me. "But let's eat first, shall we?"

"Do you have any preference for food? I can arrange for anything you like," the king adds. "I have a little pull here," he adds, winking.

Be still, silly heart! He isn't flirting!

"I'm not hungry," I lie. I just want to know what's happening. But naturally, my stomach growls just then.

The king smirks and cocks his head. He then leans back, raising a hand slightly. Out of nowhere, a man dressed impeccably hurries over. Has he been in here the entire time?

"Andrew, would you please invite the others in? And let the cooks know we're ready for dinner."

"At once, sire."

"Others?" I can't help but ask, immediately nervous again.

The king nods. "I hope you don't mind. I've invited a few friends to join us and the men who rescued you."

I nod. I don't have a choice anyway.

Just then, the double doors swing open and about a dozen people stream in.

No wonder there are so many seats at the table!

The king stands up, smiling warmly at the new entrants. I only recognise Cain, Dominic, Pierre and the other guys who saved me, though I can't remember their names. Behind them are three other men, who look a touch older – possibly along the lines of the king's age or maybe even older.

The knights stop short and all bow down to the king and Skye while the other three seem nonplussed.

"Hello beautiful," one of the older men calls out to Skye, giving her a hug. He kisses both her cheeks. He nods at the king – but it seems to be less out of respect than it is of familiarity. The other men all crown around Skye as well, hugging and kissing her cheeks.

I sneak a glance at the king, trying to gauge his reaction. Shouldn't he be jealous? His wife is obviously very popular amongst the men. And if I was him, I'd be worried. Not only is Skye beautiful, but the men are all rather dashing.

Once the greetings are done, everyone stands around awkwardly. Though, maybe I'm the only one who feels the awkwardness.

The king comes to my side, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. I repress the urge to shy away.

"Claire, please let me introduce you to my very dear friends; the Grand Duke Carter Andrews, the General of my armies, Alexander Smith, and I believe you've met my advisor, Mathew Brian."

Oh yes. I do recognise the healer.

I give them a small smile, and again, drop my gaze quickly.

Before there's time for anything else, the doors fly open again and the dark haired man from before bursts in. Henry, was it?

"So glad you could make it," the king drawls, not looking surprised in the slightest.

Henry smiles and hurries over to my side. Without any warning, he takes my hand and kisses it. "My lady."

"Stop," the king mutters.

Henry steps back, grinning wickedly, making my heart pound in my chest.

The king steps back to his seat and gestures to the empty seats. "Shall we?"

Everyone takes a seat and it's mere moments before the food is brought forth.

And wow!

I think I'm going to quite enjoy this dinner! All thoughts about truths and explanations are pushed out of mind when I take in the food in front of me.

There's such calmness and warmth in the air, that I really jut don't want this moment to end. Ever.

A/N: I know I've been gone for the longest time! I am really, really sorry. I know this doesn't really make up for it, but hopefully you guys don't hate me too much? :)

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