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The trip took less time than usual; after all, Russell drove quite fast in that Jaguar. I had never even been in a car like that. I wondered how many vehicles that man owned. It wouldn't surprise me if he had his own plane.

When we arrived in New York, I opened the window beside me to look at all those buildings and lights. It wasn't my first time in there, but I was always enchanted by the city's vibe.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked Russell, still looking out the window, feeling the wind on my face.

"To your hotel."

I sighed in relief. For a moment, I thought Bradley might be crazy enough to put me up at his place. "Where is it?"

"West Village."

"Isn't West Village the most expensive neighborhood in Manhattan?"

"One of the most expensive, yes. But that's not a problem for Mr. Cooper. Besides, and it's close to his place."


"Sorry for intruding, but you must be special for him, otherwise he wouldn't be doing it. So... Don't worry."

I blushed, and we remained silent for the rest of the drive. Upon our arrival, Russell accompanied me into an incredibly luxurious hotel. It was then that I realized Russell was right—Bradley was going to great lengths to impress me. I couldn't fathom why he was doing all of this. It still felt surreal, but as Russell suggested, I decided to seize the opportunity.

Russell took care of my check-in, and I felt quite uncomfortable in that place. It was definitely not somewhere I would normally stay. A hotel employee handed me the key card for my room, and after completing the check-in, Russell said goodbye. I headed to my room, which was on the top floor.

I couldn't believe it when I walked in; it was simply a massive suite. I threw myself onto the bed, sitting and bouncing a bit to feel how comfortable the mattress was. Turning to the side, I saw a table with a vase of daisies, a bucket of champagne with a glass, and, of course, a card standing next to it all.

"Enjoy your stay. We'll talk tomorrow. Bradley."

I felt like I was going to sleep and wake up from a dream. That's all I could believe. Of course, an expensive hotel, a nice car or any material thing Bradley offered me wouldn't make me fall in love with him, but his gestures left me shaken.

I decided not to drink the champagne; after all, it was late, and I was tired. However, before I collapsed onto the bed again, I took a long bath. Since I didn't have any pajamas, I ended up sleeping naked, covered only with the sheets.

I didn't take long to fall asleep and dozed off for hours until I heard my phone ringing. I woke up with a start and quickly grabbed the phone to see who it was. I didn't have time to answer, and shortly after, I received a message.

"Wake up! My assistant Debbie is on her way. B"

"How many assistants does he have?" I asked myself, sitting up in bed and rubbing my face.

I went through my morning routine and put on the clothes from the night before. I was surprised when a hotel staff member brought breakfast to my room.

I quickly finished my meal, and not long after, Debbie arrived, and I headed down to the lobby. A redhead smiled at me, introducing herself. We walked to her car, which was more discreet than the one from the previous night, and she drove us to a gallery where there were some shops.

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