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Stefani's POV

"What?" Mark shouted, nearly jumping up from the table at the diner where we were having lunch. I put my hand to my ear and grimaced at him, signaling to keep quiet and not draw attention to us. After a few seconds, I started laughing, covering my mouth with my hand. "You met Al Pacino? Who else did you see?"

I nodded. "Jennifer Lawrence was there too, and several others whose names I can't remember, but who cares anyway?"

"Wow! And what else happened?"

"Nothing..." I shrugged, and Mark narrowed his eyes, suspicious.



"Liar! Something must have happened for you to have that little smile on your face."

"I don't have any smile," I actually had.

"We've been friends for years. You can tell me anything. You know I won't tell anyone."

"Nothing happened," I said, smiling and taking a sip of the iced tea in front of me through the straw.

"No way!"

"I'm serious," I nodded. "We drank wine in bed and nothing happened."

"Are you serious? He didn't try anything?"

"Nothing! Just like I said."

"Wow! He's a gentleman."

I silently nodded in agreement as I finished my iced tea, thoughts swirling back to the previous night. Bradley had shown himself to be a perfect gentleman, yet I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that our night together had culminated in nothing more than us sleeping side by side. It wasn't about expecting him to take the lead; my hesitance stemmed more from my inherent shyness in such moments than any gender roles.

Later, I had lunch with Mark, recounting every detail at his insistence. After saying our goodbyes, I walked towards my truck. As I unlocked it, a familiar voice caught me off guard.


"Oh, my God," I whispered, my gaze falling to the ground as the truck door hung open. When I turned, Matthew stood right behind me, closer than I realized. His sudden presence startled me. "What the hell!"

"We need to talk," he insisted as I moved to climb into the truck.

"About what?" I questioned, my hand resting on the door handle. He edged nearer, preventing me from closing it. I sighed in exasperation.

"This," he said, showing me his phone screen with some photos of me at the New York event. I stared at the screen for a few moments, then looked at him as if nothing was wrong. "What is it, Stefani? What is happening?"

"I don't remember..." I gave him his phone back while talking.

"What don't you remember?" he asked, looking alarmed as he moved even closer to me.

"I don't remember owing you any explanations," I said, pushing him away and swiftly shutting the car door while he tapped on the window, urging me to open it. I observed him, finding the situation rather pathetic. Without hesitation, Matthew circled around the car and positioned himself at the passenger door. I attempted to act fast and lock it, but he moved quicker. Opening the door, he settled into the seat beside me, leaving the door ajar. "Are you out of your damn mind?" I screamed.

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