✨Chapter One✨

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Safety. It's a feeling we all long to have. We all want to have a healthy mind. We all want to be "Normal". My name is Arlo Grey Myers, and if there's anything I lack, it's being normal. Being 25 you'd think I'd have my life somewhat together. I mean, I kind of do. I have a good work from home job, a decent apartment, and a pretty cute dog. I listen to music really loud and jam out in my apartment like nobody is there. A party for myself if you will. I'm your typical homebody, if you exclude the Littlespace bit.

I sat at my desk, fidgeting with my hands as I nervously stared into the lens of my webcam. The meetings with my boss, Nicholas Lee Gibson, were always nerve wracking. The 30 year old man had his life pretty much figured out, even down to his looks. His light brown hair laid messy but in a good way. His eyes were an icy blue, which shined bright due to his fair complexion. His lips were a good medium to thin and plump. Perfect. His cheeks, chin, and upper lip were lined with stubble. It looked good on him. I found myself eyeing him every meeting we had. While he would talk about important topics regarding the company, I would just sit in awe at the beauty he had.

"Arlo? You listening?" Nicholas asked in a concerned tone. I shook my head back to focus and smiled. "Yes!" I said in a chirpy tone. Nicholas smiled before continuing. "So, what do you think?" Nicholas quizzed. "I-I thinks it's great! All good stuff." I said unsure. "So, it's good that we're not getting as much traction within our site?" Nicholas quizzed once more. Damn. My face grew red. I felt the heat of embarrassment encasing the back of my neck. Nicholas began to laugh softly. It was always a relief to see him not take my easily distracted attention to heart.

"Arlo, it sounds like you need to take the day off." Nicholas joked. "I'm sorry.. I've just been a little distracted lately." I explained. Nicholas huffed. "Yeah, every time we're in a meeting, you can never focus." Nicholas said huskily. Have you seen yourself? If you stared at someone so beautiful, you wouldn't be able to focus either. I shook the thought away. "I'm sorry." I apologized. He sighed with a smile. "It's fine! I've known you for a while. Talking just isn't your thing. Besides, meetings can be nerve wracking." He joked. A while? More like 5 years. And sure, it's the meeting that's making my head spin. When Nicholas and I were working, he was a completely different person. Professional, sophisticated, intimidating, but when we were off the clock, he was an outgoing, care free guy. "What's that supposed to mean?" I hissed. Nicholas chuckled. "You're so.. introverted." He explained. He wasn't wrong. I was so introverted that I couldn't order anything for myself. Anytime Nicholas and I would go out to lunch, he would have to order for me.

"Speaking of which, what am I ordering for you today?" He playfully jabbed. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. "You are rude." I said sharply. Nicholas adjusted in his seat, realizing the professional atmosphere was disappearing. He cleared his throat. "Well, Arlo, this meeting is coming to a close. Any comments or questions?" He asked. I nodded. "Email me everything we talked about." I smiled. Nicholas rolled his eyes. "Always." He said before leaving the zoom call. I left shortly after, clocking out of my laptop for the day. I spun in my chair, glancing down at Oscar, lying in his bed. I had been so busy with work, I barely realized his obnoxious snoring.

I stood up and made my way into the kitchen, passing my various toys and play tent in the living room. I have 2 rooms in this apartment. One is of course my bedroom while the other is my little room. Occasionally, I like to bring my tent out to sit in while I watch some of my favorite cartoons. I grabbed out a sippy cup from one of the upper cabinets. While placing it opened on the counter, I opened the fridge and pulled out some apple juice. Carefully, I poured the juice into the cup. As I was putting it back, I felt a buzz in my pocket. I glance at the clock on the oven. 12:35pm. Like clockwork. Every day at 12:35pm, Nicholas sends me a restaurant we will be meeting at for lunch everyday. Today, our favorite cafe, Louis Lounge, was on the menu.

Thinking of my various favorite options made my mouth water. I took a few gulps of my apple juice before placing the sippy cup into the fridge. I made sure Oscar was comfortable before heading out.


I sat across from Nicholas in the cafe. He stared at the menu with a puzzling look. "I think for the first time ever, I don't know what I want." Nicholas said. I let out an over exaggerated gasp. "THE Nicholas Lee, doesn't know what he wants?" I quizzed. Nicholas rolled his eyes with a playful expression before closing his menu. I made one last look through my menu just as the waitress come up. "What can I get my favorite customers today." Charolette asked. Charolette was a short, cute, curly-haired red head. Nicholas and I had known her for as long as I could remember.

Nicholas POV

Her chirpy voice. It'd annoy just about anyone. She was cute though. Her curly hair, red and all. Her green eyes sparkled against her olive skin. Her freckles dancing across her cheeks as she smiled. Charolette was definitely a looker, but she wasn't someone I wanted to go after. She may have the looks, but beneath that is a very controlling personality. This town wasn't very large, and word gets out. I've been with enough women to know when one isn't any good. "The usual for me.. and," I paused, glancing at Arlo who wasn't paying attention to the situation very well. His bright brown eyes reflecting the sun just right to make them appear as pools of honey. His short dark curly hair lying perfectly on his head. He looked content today. Innocent even. Before a second thought, I shook whatever this was from my head.

"And?" Charolette quizzed. "Oh! The usual, for him as well." I said. Charolette brought our drinks a moment later. Water for him, and a sweet tea for me.  "What's your plans for the rest of the day?" I asked, sticking my straw into the cold glasses, and pushing his water towards him. Arlo just shrugged, picking up his glass. "I guess just hang out at my place for the day." Arlo explained. He took a sip of his water. I nodded lightly. "I see."


Arlo's POV

I sat under my tent, watching my favorite show, Bluey. I giggled at things here and there. I moved my Bluey plushies about, dancing to the music being played on screen. Oscar laid next to my tent. For an Australian Shepherd, he was a pretty mellowed dog. I patted his head softly, giggling through my paci. My giggle slowly fades along with my smile as I think back to a few hours ago. I take out my paci and fidget with it in my hands.

The lunch with Nicholas went how it always goes. Him checking out Charolette, and Him and I quietly eating with small conversations. The company was nice, don't get me wrong, but it sucks when you know the person you want isn't emotionally or physically capable to like you.

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