The Inner World Of Prince

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Prince sat in silence, lost in his thoughts as he tried to make sense of the recent events and revelations. His mind wandered, filled with the same doubts and fears that had plagued him for years.

"You can't survive in this world if you can't communicate," he thought to himself. "You'll be a failure if you don't sharpen your communication skills. If you can't explain your feelings, you're useless."

The weight of his negative thoughts bore down on him. He had often found that these thoughts were more accurate than the positive ones. Even when he tried to stay motivated and avoid self-criticism, there were always people around to remind him of his perceived uselessness.

"Even if I try my best, something always happens to show me that I'm useless," he pondered. "In the real world, things don't go the way you want them to. The system dictates the outcome, sometimes in your favor and sometimes against you."

Year after year, Prince tried to improve himself, hoping to present a new personality whenever he went to a new place. But people quickly saw through him, recognizing his introverted, sensitive, and nervous nature. They didn't give him a chance to show anything different. When people tried to interact with him, he often ignored them or replied with a few words, sometimes wanting to open up but finding no one interested in him.

"I am also a human being like others," he thought. "I want to interact, to enjoy, to be part of social events, to share in others' happiness and sadness. I want to be famous, to achieve success, to fulfill my dreams. But these things feel fake to me because I can't say there isn't anyone who understands me. There are people like me, but I am not like other people. They are useful in some way, but I am totally useless."

Prince felt trapped in his own mind, unable to achieve anything. He knew self-criticism was harmful, but he couldn't escape the feeling that he was trying to fit into a world that wasn't made for him.

"Though I've met good, kind-hearted, supportive, and caring people, I can't help them. They never ask for my help."

He had weird traits he tried to turn into strengths, but they always felt like burdens. He had no skill he could master, nothing special about him except his uselessness. People always saw him as different, making an image of him he couldn't escape. Communicating was difficult, even when necessary. He lacked confidence in his words and actions, afraid of how others would react.

"Living in this world requires more social skills than any other. Can an introvert be successful in life?" he questioned. "I think they can be, but they have to act a little extroverted, or maybe more."

Even trying didn't yield results. He always ended up back at the starting point, needing to start over. He had reasons for his actions and words, like why he didn't talk much, but he couldn't explain them. Inside, he knew his biggest fear was separation.

"My fears, my sensitivity, and emotional nature make me a useless person. My sensitivity is so high I can't control it. I can't tolerate being yelled at. It's better to hurt me physically than emotionally."

He had so many problems and wanted something good about himself. But it wasn't there. People always told him to speak louder. He felt disappointed when he had to speak in front of a group. The pressure was too much, his mind would stop working, and he couldn't speak a single word. In the end, they accepted that he was useless.

"I want out of this world," he thought. "People are good, but we can't coordinate. These negative thoughts are temporary but leave a huge question mark on my existence and a heavy regret."

But now, he had an opportunity he never expected. "Who are these creatures? Where am I? Am I really useful to them? Maybe I have another reason to live. This might change everything."

Grein entered the room, sensing the turmoil within Prince. He approached with a gentle smile and placed a reassuring hand on Prince's shoulder.

"Prince," Grein began softly, "I know this is overwhelming. You have been through so much, and it's natural to feel lost. But you are not useless. You are here because you are needed. We see something special in you, even if you don't see it in yourself yet."

Prince looked up, his eyes filled with uncertainty. Grein continued, "We believe in you. You have the strength and potential to make a difference. You are not alone anymore. We are here with you, and we will help you find your way."

Prince felt a small spark of hope ignite within him. For the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of belonging.

To ensure that Prince's family wouldn't worry about his sudden disappearance, the group devised a plan. They decided to send back a substitute of Prince to Zureryo. This duplicate would take Prince's place, mimicking his daily routines and interactions.

"We'll send back a substitute of you," Grein explained. "This way, your family won't worry. The substitute will take your place and maintain your presence there while you are here with us."

Prince nodded, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. The idea of a substitute reassured him, allowing him to focus on the task ahead without the burden of worrying about his family.

Author's Note:
In this chapter, we delve deeper into Prince's internal struggles and fears. The weight of his thoughts and the pressures he feels are brought to the forefront, providing a more intimate look at his character. The chapter ends with a glimmer of hope as Prince begins to see a potential new purpose in his life. The introduction of Grein's comforting presence and the plan to send a substitute back to Zureryo adds a layer of complexity and reassurance. The journey is far from over, and Prince's growth and self-discovery will continue to unfold.

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