Tell her First

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Prakash: Go now before Tina falls asleep and you miss your important discussion, he added playfully.

Neil forced a smile and left to Tina's place.

A few minutes later, Neil waited outside Tina's house as he rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opened and Shekar stood in front of Neil.

Shekar: Neil beta. You here at this time? I am guessing you came to see Tina. He asked with a large smile.

Neil: I know it is very late, Uncle, but I truly wanted to have talk with Tina if you don't mind. He spoke politely.

Shekar: I would never have a problem with you, Neil, but Tina had called and said that after a long costume check, she needed to rush for rehearsal and would be late. But if it is urgent, you should try calling her.

The colour from Neil's face drained. Things were not going as planned.

Neil: I tried calling her Uncle, but her phone went directly to voicemail.

Shekar: She did mention a network issues, but why don't you try again? Maybe you'll get through to her.

Neil nodded and said bye to Shekar as he headed back towards Khanna Mansion.

When he got to his room, he sat down on his bed and called Tina again. He rubbed his forehead when he heard the ringing sound on the other end. He was about to hang up when he heard Tina's voice.

Tina: Hey, Neil. Sorry for not calling you earlier; my busy day became a little tight, she explained as she took a few sips of water.

Neil: Tina I seriously need to talk to you. He said standing up striaght away. Urgency clearly heard in his voice.

Tina saw her Team member gesturing her to hurry up not exactly paying attention to what Neil said.

Tina: Neil, I have to go. I will call you back when I am free. Bye, Mr America, she said, disconnecting the phone without waiting for his response.

Neil threw his phone on the bed in frustration and forcibly pushed his hair back. Now he had to wait for Tina to return or call him back.

Neil jerked awake when he heard his alarm go off. Sitting up, he looked at his phone to see what time it was, which was 7 a.m. He cursed himself for falling asleep while waiting for Tina and not realising when he fell asleep.

He suddenly noticed a message from Tina and opened it to see it say

Hey, Mr. America; I suppose you'd be asleep by now, but I'm sorry rehearsals lasted until late. I won't be returning home because I'll be staying with one of the team members, so hopefully we'll meet later.

Neil contacted Tina right away, but her phone went straight to voicemail. He decided to get ready first, then try to call Tina and meet her somewhere outside.

Around 7:30am Neil was all dressed up and headed downstairs to only be greeted by his family.

Bebe: Chalo let's get the morning aarti started she said as all followed her to the mandir area.

As all prayed Neil had his hands folded while his eyes never left mata rani idol.

Neil: Things have gotten complicated, Bhagwan ji. Please help me in untangling from this mess so that everything can get better. He closed his eyes and silently prayed.

Shweta passed the aarti plate to each member, one by one, to take blessings. She caressed Neil's cheeks before moving on to Prakash.

Neil: Tina's phone is going directly to voice mail, and I'm not sure when I'll get to tell her everything. It's best if I can catch up with Avni before she leaves for work and tell her what's on my mind. It is not safe to talk to her near home, perhaps I can take her to a peaceful area where she can hear me out. I do not know why, but my heart tells me Avni also feels the same way, she can sense and feel the growing bond, and once everything falls into place, we can tell Tina and our family, he thought to himself.

After sometime

The Khanna family was busy talking and eating, while Neil quickly ate his breakfast and walked over to the couch where he left his belongings.

Neil: Dad, I need to go somewhere right now, so I'll see you at the office later, he stated as he carried his belongings and started to head out.

Prakash: Wait, Neil. He called out loudly as he stood up and walked towards Neil, who was standing by the door.

Neil: Dad, if it's related to work, I promise I'll discuss it with you at the office, but for now, I need to leave, he added hurriedly.

Prakash: Puttar, that is not the issue. But I believe you have forgotten that we have an important meeting in an hour and you must be there as well, so any job you have must be postponed until later, son. We've been working hard on this project, and now it's time to showcase our efforts, as well as yours, he explained. So, for the time being, the first thing we should do is go to the the office.You are free to go wherever you choose once we have finished with the meeting with our clients, but for the time being, I will need you with me. He added with a warm smile.

Neil gave a short nod. He had no other choice because he couldn't let Prakash down, knowing very well that not only them, but every employee, had worked hard and that this deal may be extremely beneficial to the company.

Saying bye to both Shweta and Bebe Prakash and Neil left.

As they got into the car, Neil tried to call Tina again, hoping she would answer , otherwise he would meet up with Avni first, but Tina's phone went straight to voicemail, unaware that her phone battery had died from not charging it.

Prakash: Neil, let's go over everything again, he said pulling out his laptop.

Neil: Sure, Dad. He said, putting his phone in his pocket.

Prakash switched on his laptop and began talking with Neil about the meeting while the driver drove the car from the khanna mansion.

Hey guys here is the next chap.

Thanks to those who commented and voted for the previous chap. I may not reply back all the time but we are surely reading all the comments that you all are leaving back.
Me and Bandi Di are surely enjoying the positive feedback coming from you all.

Hope you all like this chap too

Lots of love

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