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Climbing up the side of a Piltover building were five rebellious kids Y/N, Vi, Powder, Clagger and Mylo and first to reach the roof was Y/N as he looked around at the beautiful scenery

Vi:Y/N, slow down a little

Y/N:Apologies, but I just had to see this view for myself

He said before helping the rest of his friends up onto the rooftop as they all looked over the region of Piltover


Vi:It's nice getting above it all, huh?

She said as a blimp passed above them making load nosies

Powder:One day, I'm gonna ride in one of those things

Y/N:And one day I'll live here, maybe I'll be a teacher or like a guard

As he said that Vi shoved him slightly as he chuckled

Clagger:Vi, are, you sure about this? Look, if we get caught, we're-

Vi:We're not gonna get caught, we'll be in and out before anyone notices

Continuing from building to building the time for them to jump form one building to another came

Y/N:All right guys, everyone, follow me, oh and make sure not to look down

Tightening his headband Y/N got a running start before leaping over to the building in front of them as everyone did the same

Claggger:Couldn't we just walk there?

Vi:Gotta stay out of sight for this one

But Powder hadn't jumped yet as she just stared down at the ground panting

Mylo:Called it. This is on you Vi-

Y/N:Powder, look at me

He said as he stood at the edge of the roof

Y/N:Remember what we talked about, you are ready, and I will never let you fall

As he held out both of his hands awaiting for her to jump

Powder:... you're right

Vi:Do as I did, not like this idiot

Y/N:I'll be more impressive

As Powder tightened her imaginary headband she got a running start before jumping over to the next building almost making it and relaying on Y/N to catch her as he pulled her up

Y/N:I'm impressed you almost made it, good job

Short Time Later

After making it to a random apartment Y/N looked through the glass before sighing

Y/N:All clear guys

As one by one they all came down as Mylo immediately tried to open the balcony door only to find it locked

Mylo:Who locks their balcony?

Y/N:Smart people

As Mylo went to pick the locks Vi rolled her eyes before kicking the door open while they funneled in


Immediately the group went to scavenge whatever they saw was valuable while focused on their books

Arcane Author Of PainWhere stories live. Discover now